Part 54.incomplete but finished

11 8 1

Absolute static.
Relentless nothingness.

An unholy need for meaning,
For something to grab onto.
For love, for loss, for anything


"Keep it together."
Manic disbelief has caused blistering, unforgiving rage.
Scars the result,the reminders.

Why did it always turn out like this?
The merciless laughter of fate rings in her ears.

Her sanity must be a play thing for the Man in charge.
He tosses out new emotional turmoils like morning newspapers.

"Ignore me,I'm just being silly."
Her facade a sticky, sickely sham.
She was never going to learn,was she?

That she could be more than now.
More than the soul-consuming never.

She was a when,
a could be...
a one day.


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