Chapter 6

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Zoe's POV

I slam the car door shut in Martin's laughing face as anger boils within me. Never in my life have I ever met someone as rude, self centered and downright nauseating as him. Fame clearly got to his head. That's why he's so messed up. I try calming myself down by taking a few deep breaths until I catch a whiff of sweet cinnamon and the delinquent is once again standing beside me.

I can't ignore the fact that my hearts beating quicker than it should even though he infuriates me. His handsome face doesn't make up for his foul attitude though, I remind myself.

We walk in silence till we reach the movie theaters and it's packed. There are high school kids everywhere and the place is buzzing with noise. I catch Martin shift uncomfortably next to me. Good.

I hear a shriek from behind me and turn around just as Lea comes bounding into view. I look around nervously. She's attracted attention obviously and people are now staring. Right at me and gawking at the boy next to me. Of course. They've probably recognized him.

"Don't tell me you know her." Martin growls into my ear, his warm breath fanning over my neck. I relish the sensation before snapping out of it and glaring at him.

"She is actually my best friend so shut it." I whisper harshly.

As I hug Lea, I hear a few people greet Martin as they walk past and he grumbles a response. Lea practically ogles at him while he looks around with a bored expression.

"Stop staring." I whisper.

"I can't. He's sexier in person."

Josh, Lea's long time boyfriend, appears out of nowhere, kissing her on the cheek. I find myself thanking my dad for suggesting bringing Martin. I would have otherwise been the awkward third wheel. I'm grateful that Josh has finally arrived too, maybe now Lea can stop gawking at Martin.

Wait, why do I care?

"So you guys hungry?" Josh asks after mumbling a hello to Martin, who didn't reply. Why does he have to be so rude all the damn time?

"Starving!" Lea and I say at the same time.

I look over at Martin just as he rolls his eyes. I catch myself staring at his jawline that is literally the second hottest part of his face, his eyes being the first. I look away when he realizes I'm staring and smirks, raising an eyebrow.

After an awkward dinner of mainly Lea trying to make conversation with Martin, the four of us make our way to the cinemas. Lea and Josh walk upfront, holding hands and I find myself wishing I had a guy who'd hold my hand and force me to watch zombie movies with him.

"What are we going to be watching?" Martin asks, his Dutch accent invading my thoughts.

"Some zombie movie. I hate these types of movies, all bloody and gory. It's disgusting. And the special affects just make me laugh, it's so fake."

"So you paid to watch a movie that you don't actually want to watch?" he questions before shaking his head and muttering, "Americans."

I decide to ignore him as Lea hands me two boxes of popcorn and I push Martin's box into his hands as he eyes the yellow kernels with a skeptical expression.

"What?" I ask.

"I hate popcorn."

"Just eat it. There are people in the world that are starving." I say, sprinkling salt over my box.

"Even if I eat all this popcorn, they will still be starving." He tosses the popcorn into the trash can and grabs my unopened coke.


Halfway through the movie, which is absolutely as terrible as I expected, if not worse, Martin whispers that he's going to the bathroom. I whisper asking if he knows where it is and he shrugs telling me he'll figure it out.

Once he leaves, I think back to the text message mum had sent me after dinner.

Mom: Be careful with Martin and remember the rules, he isn't allowed to drink. I doubt anyone will sell alcohol to him but just beware. Try not to leave him on his own! have fun xo.

I was a little pissed off because they were basically expecting me to babysit him and I definitely wasn't going to do that. But now, a part of me wants to make sure he isn't doing anything he isn't supposed to be doing. What if he really is just going to the bathroom though, I wonder. I can't even imagine how creepy it'd be if he found me lurking outside the boy's bathroom. However, I need to do something. From what I've read and heard, Martin can't be trusted on his own, he isn't responsible enough.

I decide I should maybe pretend I have to take a call or something from my parents and wait a bit to see if he did actually go to bathroom. I hope for both our sakes that he did.

I whisper to Lea holding my phone, promising to be back in 10 minutes. She nods, looking curiously at the empty seat next to me. I roll my eyes as she smirks and focuses her attention on the zombie on screen who's being eaten alive by a swarm of wasps.

I quietly exit the cinema, squinting as I walk into the bright lights of the mall.


Martin's POV

Zoe was easy to convince as I spun her the story that I needed the bathroom. With that out the way, I need to find a place somewhere in this lame excuse of a mall that will sell me a damn packet of cigarettes. Or even a drink. But that's a long shot because in America, the legal drinking age is 21.

I walk around aimlessly. I'm glad no one in this small pathetic town knows who I am. It's nice being left alone for a bit. After wandering around I realize there isn't a shop that's open that sells anything close to what I'm looking for. Great.

I've walked pretty far from where I started, as I notice I've reached the glass doors that lead to a parking lot behind the mall. It's dark outside and the lot is empty. I decide to get a bit of fresh air, to clear my messed up head.

As soon as I step outside, I get a strong whiff of cigarette smoke and I immediately look for the source. Maybe I can buy it off them. Standing towards my far left in a dark corner, I see the familiar orange sparks of lit cigarettes. Looking closely I can tell the group of boys are around my age at least so I walk up to them and eventually they take notice.

"What's up." The tallest one says nodding in my direction. His face is half covered by his hoodie and but as I get closer I realize he looks high as fuck.

"Need a smoke. How much?" I ask, staring at the glorious cigarette held between his fingers.

"First ones free." He pulls one out of his pocket and hands it to me. I take it and realize I don't have a lighter.

"Here you go cutie." A girl says with a raspy voice in my ear, clicking on a lighter and lighting the cigarette in my hand. I didn't even notice her when I saw the group. She's blonde and tall, with a coat draped around her shoulders. I look her up and down, she might as well have left the house without any damn clothes on. She's averagely hot and looks about as high as the rest of the group.

"I'm Lisa."

I nod, taking the longest drag of a cigarette that I've ever taken in my life. The smoke whirls around my insides and soon my head is buzzing and I feel better than I've felt in weeks.

After my third cigarette, I glance at my watch. Fuck. I've been gone half an hour. They're going to know I obviously didn't go to the bathroom. I throw the cigarette to the ground, smashing it around with my foot.

"Leaving so soon?" Lisa coos in my ear and just as I'm about to reply, I hear a gasp behind me.

I turn around and Zoe's eyes are wide, her mouth open.

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