Chapter 5

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Martin's POV

The girl just invited me to see a film with her and her friends and I must admit, at first I thought what the fuck but then I realized this is the only chance I have at a possible drink or a damn smoke. Two things that I am in desperate need of.

At second glance, the girl is hotter than I thought. Brown hair and blue eyes, not exactly my type, but doable.

I don't have time to shower so I pull on a black t-shirt and shove my feet into a pair of white Converse. I grab my wallet and pause at the door, my hand lingering over the doorknob. I have a feeling this is going to be really fucking awkward, going out the first night I'm here. But who gives two shits, if she invited me then so what?

I swing open the door and the hallway is empty. I remember the girl telling me her room was right next to mine so I walk over and knock twice. I smirk at the idea that pops into my head.

I knock at least 5 times and then bang my palm on the door another 5 times. I hear shuffling and a loud huff on the other side so I know she's definitely in there. I start knocking continuously and on my twentieth knock the door flies open.

"What?" The girl practically shouts, her face is red and her eyes are wide.

"Revenge, I guess."

"I really don't like you." She growls. "Go wait downstairs. I'll be there in a minute." She slams the door in my face.

No ones ever spoken to me that way before. It's like she doesn't know who I am. It's a strange feeling, being told off, but a small part of me doesn't mind it at all. It's refreshing.

I head to the stairs and hear the girls' parents discussing shit somewhere. I rub my hands over my eyes. I swear if they fucking touch me. I try walking down the stairs as quietly as possible and just as I get to the last stair, there's a loud creak noise and the voices stop. For fucks sake.

"Martin!" A shrill voice exclaims.

Oh here we go.

"Are you going to see the film with Zoe then?"

I have to think for a second, wondering who the heck Zoe is and then I realize it must be the girl, obviously.

"Uh yeah." I say slowly, keeping my distance.

There's silence as no one says anything and I fidget with my wallet while her parents smile at me. God. Why are these people so happy all the damn time?

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I don't think I've ever felt as relieved as when I see Zoe stomping down the stairs. She jumps the last step and walks over to me.

Fuck, she really is hotter than I thought. She's tall but still much shorter than I am.

I snap out of it as I hear her father clear his throat. I turn to him as his expression changes from confusion to a stern glare in my direction.

"Curfew is 11pm." He glares at me. "Not a minute later."

Zoe sighs and waves him off, grabbing her car keys, turning around to look at me pointedly when I don't follow.

Soon enough we're out the door and Zoe leads me to her car, an old black Chevrolet truck. It looks like shit. She probably notices my expression because she sighs and says, "Don't say a word."

Once we're in, she turns on the stereo and a slow, soft song starts playing. She points at the seatbelt next to me and I shake my head. She crosses her arms and waits until I give in and put the damn thing on.

"What's the point of these things? I can still die if I wear them." I say in annoyance.

"You're right. You can still die. Except by putting it on, there's less of a chance that you will die than if you weren't wearing it at all." Zoe explains slowly.

"Whatever. What the fuck are you listening to?" I point at the stereo.

"It's called "Jet Plane" by Angus and Julia Stone," she replies, "and don't cuss at me."

"A shit attitude and a shit taste in music. Nice." I grumble, trying to figure out how to put the radio on.

"Excuse me?" Zoe says slowly, anger lacing her words. I look over at her questioningly and she narrows her eyes at me before looking away.

10 minutes pass before we reach what looks like a shopping centre. As she pulls into a parking spot she looks over at me.

"You're the one with the shit attitude and I'd really appreciate it if you stopped being so horrible to me when I'm all you've got right now okay? If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Zoe says, sounding like she's holding back her anger.

I laugh at her last statement and she glares at me before opening her door and jumping off. I do the same and I have to jog to catch up with her.

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