Chapter 31

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Zoe's POV

Nick slides out of the booth quickly, allowing me to stumble out.

"There's something about bastards like you that annoy the shit-"

"Sir, I'd appreciate it if you would please leave," a man who appears to be the manager, grabs Martin's shoulder, interrupting whatever he was planning on saying.

I gulp as Martin shrugs his shoulder and elbows the man into the counter behind.

I don't know what to do with myself and I stand motionless, waiting for him to completely lose it. There's that same fury in his eyes, a sign that his temper is just simmering beneath the surface. I realize I can't let him humiliate himself in front of people that could possibly be his classmates. And I'd rather be the one he takes his temper out on than the boy holding his nose on the floor.

I take a few hesitant steps toward where he stands, chugging the last bit of liquid in the glass that I assume to be alcohol. This isn't the time to upset him or anger him any further, I tell myself as I feel the need to yell at him for drinking. I dodge a few chairs, stopping about four feet away from him.


My voice comes out slow and unsteady, and when he doesn't turn to me, I'm almost certain he didn't hear me.

However, his head slowly turns in my direction and his eyes scan my face. The scowl on his own is clear and I try ignoring it.

"Let's go home," I say, the words tumbling out before I can stop them. I feel frantic inside even though I can't bring myself to physically move.

I watch as Martin's eyes narrow.

"What did you say?" His tone is venomous.

I swallow, feeling air brush down my dry throat. The restaurant is too silent.

"I said let's go home, you've been dr-"

"What do you mean by 'home'," he slams his glass down onto the counter and it cracks, "Tell me. Tell me what the bloody hell 'home' means!" Martin yells, his voice too loud.

I stand in silence, completely confused as to what he's talking about or where this is all coming from.


"Shut up. Shut the hell up for once and listen to me," Martin interrupts, and his voice has dropped to a dangerously low tone.

I close my mouth as he takes two small steps towards me. Suddenly, memories from what seems like forever ago return in dark images. The parking lot, the look of complete fury in Martin's eyes.

"You have a home," he growls, "You don't understand shit. I don't even know why I give a fuck about you anyway, but I can tell you one thing, I've stopped."

I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes.

"But I have one question - why are you here? Why the bloody hell are you standing here trying to fucking help me? I don't want your help. I don't want you, do you not fucking understand that? You're pathetic. It's embarrassing." His voice is now louder than it was before, the venom behind the words making them echo around the room.

I'm confused, more confused by what he's saying than ever before. I hang onto the last bar of hope - he's drunk.


"Why the fuck," he slurs angrily, closing the gap between us, "are you still here?"

I jump away as he barks the last word, the smell of booze emanating off him.

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