Chapter 15

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Zoe's POV

My heart hammers against my chest. Where could he have gone? My brain begins conjuring up the worst possible scenarios when logic kicks in. I jog to the bathroom but of course, the doors open and it's empty. I race down the stairs.

"Martin!" I call.

No answer.

I check the kitchen and look out the windows; the lawn is clear and I realize just what a beautiful day it actually is. However, the image is ruined when Martin invades my thoughts. Where is he? He couldn't have gone far because he doesn't have a car, yet he doesn't seem like the type who'd walk somewhere on a whim.

I debate whether to call my parents and let them know but as soon as the thought pops into my head, I dismiss it. The conversation with my father last night replays in my head and I decide the answer is no. This is his last chance or else they'll send him back which isn't going to happen.

I take the stairs two at a time, my first idea is to call him but I quickly realize I don't have his number. Great.

I grab a pair of clean jeans, glancing down at the pair I wore last night that's tossed on the floor. I make a mental note to burn them later. With a white tank top and navy sweater, I race to the bathroom, showering in under five minutes. Once I'm dressed, I spot my mothers make up bag and decide it couldn't hurt.. After a few dabs of concealer under my eyes and a couple strokes of blush, I tumble down the stairs.

My car roars to life, the engine grunting and groaning as I reverse frantically out the driveway. I realize I have no idea where I'm going. Even though Branford is a small town, I still have no idea where to look first. Deciding to just drive around in case he did actually take a walk, I relax a little, knowing he has to be around here somewhere.

After driving around the quiet town for almost fifteen minutes, I start to panic. What if something happened to him? What if those guys from last night found him and tried to get revenge? I gulp and try to shake off the shiver that runs down my spine.

My eyes scan the road ahead as I pull up near a small park to clear my head and make a decision.

Should I call my parents?

I sigh glancing out the window, when suddenly I spot a bright yellow head of hair. Lisa. I watch as she walks slowly, holding a large blue bag in her hand, around the corner and jumps over the picket fence bordering the park. The name she calls out makes my heart beat faster.


From behind a large oak tree, a pair of white Converse step aside and he comes into view. So this is where he ran off to, to meet a wannabe prostitute. I fight the anger boiling in the pit of my stomach as she walks up to him and runs her hand down his chest. He smirks and grabs her waist. I look away as bile rises in my throat.

When I look up, Martin has taken the blue bag in his hand and they're walking over to another tree further down. They take a seat in the shade and Martin pulls out a small brown object from the bag. He fiddle with the top and then brings it to his lips.

He's drinking?

Before I know it, I tumble out the car and slam the door just hard enough for the two of them to jerk up and look around. They don't spot me as I walk down the sidewalk and plan to ask him what the hell he was thinking.

An idea pops into my head. I walk around the border of the park until I reach a cluster of bushes behind the tree Martin and Lisa are seated under. I crouch down and do what I hate other people doing - I eavesdrop.

"So why did you call me?" Lisa asks, bringing a cigarette to her lips.

"Dunno." Martin replies.

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