Chapter 46

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Zoe's POV

"How was your date last night?" I ask my mother, curiously.

From what I heard last night, or rather, what I remember, my parents only got home at one a.m. Which is strange, because I could tell they were trying to sneak in. And they failed. Miserably.

"It was good," my mother nods, a small smile appearing; one I haven't seen in a while.

I smile in return, but when she looks at me her expression switches from one of happiness to that look parents give you when they're about to tell you that Santa doesn't actually exist.


"This doesn't mean anything..." she starts, her voice shakier and she wrings her fingers together.

"What do you mean it doesn't mean anything? You guys had a wonderful time and that's a good thing! That means the two of you aren't... completely, you know, doomed," I protest, my denial for this whole separation situation shining right though my positive exterior.

"Zoe, I know you're not happy with this-"

"Not happy? I'm less than happy. I'm- I'm uncomfortable with all of this," I reply, my voice growing less steady.

"I know, honey, I know. But your father and I are adults. And so are you. You have to understand," she says soothingly, as if her palm patting my arm is supposed to make everything go away.

"Yeah, okay, whatever," I mumble, not knowing what else to say but also not having the energy to fight. In my head, they're still happy together and that's all that counts. The fact that they're still sleeping in the same room means things are going great, even if they won't admit it to themselves.

In any case, I'm not allowing my mood to be dampened. I woke up this morning feeling considerably lighter and freer, I suppose you could say. It has everything to do with Martin, as hard as it is to believe. The conversation we had last night was fun. It's the only conversation I've ever had with another person until that early in the morning, besides the ones with Lea and Cameron. Martin's charismatic. And he can hold a conversation. All of this I still find very hard to believe and sort through in my head because, obviously, this is Martin we're talking about. And what I don't understand is why he isn't like that, all snarky and witty, in real life conversations. I mean, he is snarky, but not good-snarky.

On the gloomier side, which my brain never fails to focus all of it's attention on, Martin told me a lot of things that, as usual, don't make that much sense. All it's done is confuse me and, more than anything, spark my curiosity about his past. Who's the girl that I remind him of? And what did he do that was so terrible that it haunts him? Somehow, I think he's exaggerating but another part of me knows that no one becomes the person Martin is without something happening to them that changes the way they think or act. Nothing changes a person more than their mistakes.

Another thing I'm not very happy about is the fact that he's going to Amsterdam for Christmas and the New Year. It's not like I expected him to stay here, but I guess I assumed he wouldn't want to go back home after being away for so long.

Or maybe you assumed, foolishly, that he'd stay because he liked this place. And you, my subconscious adds.

I push away the thought. Would my parents let him go home? No. That would wrong if they didn't allow him to. He does have a family too. And we can't stop him from spending the holidays with them, obviously. Well at least Christmas is three months away. It's not like he can leave early or anything because we have to be back at campus for the start of the first semester in a week.

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