Chapter 20

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This chapter is dedicated to @__graceyxo because she fell out her shower!

Zoe's POV

I untangle my hands from Martin's hair and force myself to pull my mouth from his. I smile a little when he doesn't let go, growling into the kiss when Cameron clears his throat again. I turn to him and he's staring at the ground awkwardly.


What do I say? How do I explain the kiss when I don't even know what's going on? I glance over to Martin and he's no help because he looks like he's about to glare at Cam until he drops dead.

"I'll, uh, I followed.. I shouldn't have, shouldn't I?" Cam laughs lightly, rubbing his neck with the back of his hand. Bless him, he looks so confused.

"Oh, no fucking shit Sherlock."

Martin. I roll my eyes and Cameron does the same before nodding towards the other side of the parking lot.

"I'll- I'll wait at the car then, until you're.. done," he smiles but I catch something flash across his eyes momentarily as his face falls.

"Okay," I reply, not knowing what to do with myself.

Martin's holding my hand again, slowly massaging circles into my palm. As Cameron walks away, the sunlight casting a glow on the large lot starts disappearing slowly. I look up at the sky and hope to God it doesn't rain.

"So," Martin starts and I continue looking at the sky, not wanting to meet his eyes.

Instead, a small sigh escapes my lips and I don't know what it means. I could be happy, I could be confused or just tired of being confused or tired of Martin confusing me. I think it's a sigh that encompasses all of those options.

"What's wrong?" He asks loudly and I can tell by the tone of his voice, that he's trying to cover up, he's nervous about something. I never thought I'd hear Martin sound uncertain.

To the far left, a whirl of grey slowly makes it's way across the sky. The clouds look like those heavy, threatening ones that promise to rain bucket loads.

"Would you fucking look at me?"

"You know, your sentences are made up of more cuss words than actual words," I say, trying to delay the inevitable conversation.

"I don't give a shit," he grins in that stupid sarcastic way before his expression turns serious again. Oh no.

"You should," I turn my attention to my feet and study the little stones of gravel as if they're the most interesting things on the planet.

"I'm sorry."

"About cussing?" I ask stupidly.

"No, about the kiss. It was a mistake."

My head snaps up to meet his eyes for the first time since I yelled at him, since before the kiss. The kiss that was the most amazing thing I've ever felt. And here he is, calling it a mistake. Although a small painful ache is taking over my chest, I'm not going to be the girl that cries in front of a boy, firstly, and secondly, I refuse to let him hurt me again.

I stare into his eyes for what seems like forever, fighting the tears that prick the corners of mine. He probably notices them gloss over though because he gulps and I catch his jaw clench when he looks away suddenly.

"I'm sorry too. You're right," the painful words are pushed off my tongue reluctantly and untruthfully.

Martin's reaction is what surprises me. His turns toward me slowly, narrowing his eyes as if he's thinking too hard about something. When he pulls his hand from mine, I feel vulnerable and as he bends down to pick up his jacket. I watch in silence as he grumbles something under his breath and pulls on the jacket. A chilly wind has picked up and the sky has darkened.

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