Chapter 7

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Zoe's POV

I had waited outside the movie theatre for at least 15 minutes, pretending to be on the phone with someone when I realized something definitely isn't right. He definitely didn't go to the bathroom. Immediately my blood started boiling. So that's all he came here for? For a chance at some alcohol? Wow, he really is messed up.

What are my parents going to think if I bring him home drunk or high or worse, what if I can't even find him and I have to arrive home without our newest houseguest? I'm more than pissed off at his nerve to even pull a stunt like this that I can't even think straight as I walk around the mall, looking for a tall boy dressed in all black. He shouldn't be that hard to find.

After two minutes I realize no store in this mall that sells alcohol will be open at this time in any case so where the hell is he? Something tells me he's probably lost somewhere and that I should stay close to the theatre in case he comes back but I'm too angry and too annoyed that I just want to find him and suffocate him.

I walk around for another ten minutes finally getting to the part of the mall that your parents always warn you to stay away from at night. The glass doors are dirty and the dark parking lot outside is empty. I walk to the doors and peer out with my hands placed around my eyes to be able to see clearly. I spot spirals of smoke in the far corner of the lot and the slow movement of white shoes. Wasn't Martin wearing white converse?

Oh no.

I push open the door quietly just to check if it really is him and sure enough, it is. There's Martin huddled in a group of stoners and a girl that looks like a teenaged prostitute at best.

I let out a small gasp as he drops his cigarette to the floor and stamps on it multiple times. Suddenly, he turns around and his mouth drops open in shock.

"Fuck." He mutters, staring at me.

"I've been waiting outside the cinema for the past half an hour, worrying about where the heck you'd gone! And here you are! Smoking!" I scream the last word, my anger ready to explode outwards from within.

His expression changes from shock to annoyance as I take slow deep breaths.

"Who the fuck asked you to wait for me in the first place? You don't need to fucking babysit me." He growls, his eyes narrowing.

How dare he get angry with me when I'm the one who'd be in the most trouble if something happened to him? Wait why do I care if something happened to him anyway? He'd deserve it.

A member of the group of stoners behind him whistles, "Ooh! Fight time!" And I suppress the urge to walk over to him and shove his cigarette up his damn nose.

"No one asked me to wait for you but I was told not to leave you alone," I growl back, "and you know what, first I thought nah, I'll leave him just this once, he wouldn't do anything stupid on his first day but now I'm glad I didn't follow through on that stupid ass plan!"

"You were told not to leave me on my own?"

"Yes! And I can see exactly why you're here now, because you're a lying, self centred, arrogant prick!" I shout, my voice echoing around the parking lot. "It's your first day here and this is the impression you make? You're more messed up than I thought!"

Something in Martin's demeanor changes and his body becomes rigid. He looks at me, his face contorting in anger before he takes a step forward.

"Would you stop fucking talking to me like that? So what if I had a smoke, what are you gonna do anyway? Run and tell mommy and daddy?" He says in a low voice, his tone furious, walking towards me.

"Stay out of my fucking business." Martin is now a few steps away from me, his grey eyes lowered and staring at me with fury.

He stops in front of me, his face so close to mine that I can smell the smoke on his breath mixed with his scent of sweet cinnamon.

"Nothing that I do is any of your concern. I'm 19 damn years old and being sent to this shithole isn't going to change how I like to live my life. So get one of your own and stay the hell out of mine." Martin is almost whispering his words now, his accent has thickened and his face has turned a pale shade of red. His pupils have dilated in anger as he stares at me.

He's trying to intimidate me and it almost works before I realize he's right. It is his life and if he wants to ruin it even more than he already has, then he can go right ahead. But no one is going to blame this incident on me.

"Fine. I'll stay out of 'your business'," I say, using air quotes, "I'll leave you alone. I'll leave you alone to mess up the one chance you have to get out of this shit you've caused yourself. I've read all the articles, Martin. You need help. You need to stop. But I won't get in your way. I won't be blamed for this or anything else you plan on doing while you're here. Go ahead and ruin your life. I, for one, do not care." My words come out slowly, my anger still boiling in my veins.

I step away from him walking to the dirty glass doors. "And you can find your own way home." I tell him, before stepping into the mall.

For the second time today, I find myself trying to get as far away from Martin Garrix as possible.

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