Chapter 13

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Martin's POV

"You really shouldn't tease me," Lisa whispers, before climbing onto the bed, straddling me.

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you," I flip us over as my lips find her neck and I let my hands roam over her exposed stomach.

A loud bang on the door causes us both to jerk our heads up. Lisa huffs and I growl, jumping off of her.

"For fucks sake.."

I grab my t-shirt off the floor and slip it on, swinging the door open to whichever drunk motherfucker is daring to bo-

"Where's Zoe?" The girl shrieks and I wince. It's the same loud ass one who Zoe's friends with, Lena or some shit.

"I don't know. She's around somewhere, she can't leave." I reply, taking in the girls worried expression. Zoe can't have gone anywhere because we didn't use her shit car.

"What do you mean you don't fucking know! I saw her come through this door and I thought she was going to you and some guy was talking shit about doing her and I saw the same guy come in here so where is she?"

The girl is losing her shit and so am I.

If he was talking about doing her, he probably followed her. I push past the girl, anger boiling in my veins. That fucker was probably hoping to get lucky and of course Zoe would be an easy target.

Because no one was with her. I wasn't with her.

The feeling of dé ja vù hits and I shrug it off. This cannot fucking be happening. Not again. My mind starts racing and I can feel my breathing become shallow. Panic forces it's way in and memories from that night come flooding back. My head starts pounding and my vision blurs with fury. I won't. I won't let this happen again.

I realize there are about 10 damn doors in the hallway and I decide to check each one. "You check this row, I'll check this one." I point to the rooms on the opposite side of the hallway and the girl nods.

"Martin! What the hell?" Lisa chirps from behind me.

"Just hold on alright." I snap and she rolls her eyes.

"It's that bitch again isn't it?"

I ignore her, my anger only building and that fucker is going to be who I take it out on.

I start with the first door, I push it open and the couple don't even notice me. No Zoe.

I burst through the second door and a nail pops out of the hinges. The room is empty. I cuss under my breath. I swear if-

I hear a loud yelp, but it's quickly muffled about two doors down. I grab the handle and push the door open with so much force, it cracks as it hits the wall behind it.

Zoe is lying on the bed, with him on top of her blocking her from view and her hands are held above her head by a piece of shit stoner that tried selling me marijuana. I scan the room, her jeans are tossed on the floor.


Zoe's POV

Martin's eyes scan the room for a moment, a deep scowl forming. His eyes widen at something on the floor before he lunges toward Ian. Martin grabs his head and pulls him backwards before jerking his body and throwing him to the floor. I hear a small snap and Ian clutches his neck, writhing in pain on the floor.

Ed has let go of my hands as the boy in the black hoodie jumps onto Martin's back. Martin elbows him and rolls over, his fist connecting with the boys jaw sending him flying into the bedside table. His head slams against the sharp edge of the table and his eyes flutter closed, blood dripping onto his left cheek. Ed has fled the room and I jump up from the bed, my heart beating out of my chest and I can't stop the tears from falling.

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