Chapter 48

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Also, this chapter is dedicated to lausmanova for surviving her parents meeting.

Zoe's POV

When I open the door to my apartment, I feel a rush of what feels like being home. It's amazing how quick this place has grown on me. I think it has something to do with the fact that it's actually mine. My own place. You dream of things your whole life and when they finally happen, it's moments like these where you really appreciate them that are worth so much.

I flop onto the couch, leaving my suitcase near the door. As soon as I do, one particular memory of Martin and I making out on this very couch fills my head and I have to stop myself from smiling because I really don't want to. It was the day he made s'mores to be cute and told me about his grandmother. I shake my head, wondering why I can't do anything lately without thinking about him.

I take a long shower and throw on an oversized t-shirt. Pulling my hair into what is supposed to look like a bun, I head to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. As I hold the kettle underneath the faucet, my phone, that's lying on the counter, rings. I leave the kettle beside the sink, catching sight of the fading yellowing bruise on my wrist and the cuts on my palm that have almost disappeared. I have to close my eyes for a moment to stop thinking.

"Hello?" I answer on the fifth ring.

"Hey, it's me," Nick says on the other end and his voice sounds weirdly happy.

"You! Hey. It's been so long," I reply, trying to match his tone. It's not that I'm not happy to hear from him, I like him so much but my mood is slowly swirling into a black cloud.

"Yeah, Shen told me you arrived," he says quickly and I laugh, "So, how was your flight?"

I close my eyes again. "Uhm, it was good, yeah, it was okay. Anyway, how're you doing?"

"I'm great actually," he replies, "Anyway, how're you? You're okay?" he asks, and the tone of his voice asks me a lot more than what he's actually saying. I know it's about Martin because the two of them aren't on very good terms.

"I'm okay, yeah, I guess. Just not in a great mood at the moment," I sigh, letting the words fall.

"Hey, what's up?" Nick asks, his voice filled with so much concern, it makes my entire chest warm up to the point where I want to curl into a ball and cry about my life.

I have to swallow the lump in my throat before I reply. "Just stuff with my parents. They're, uhm, they're having problems."

I feel like my statement is inadequate but I don't know what else to say. For some reason I don't feel like telling him about Martin. I don't want to talk to anyone about him.

"They'll work it out, you just have to have faith in them," Nick says, his voice sounding so calm that it's almost convincing.

"I hope so and I'm trying," I let out a dry laugh and he coughs quietly on the other end.

"So, what are your plans for tonight? It's only six pm."

"Nothing actually, I just want to relax. It's been a long day," I sigh again, looking around miserably.

"You know what's really relaxing?" Nick asks.


"A walk in this wonderful cool breeze," he replies with a smile in his voice and I hear the wind mess with the speaker on his phone.

"Where are you?" I laugh.

"Outside, enjoying the smell of fresh air," he says in a whimsical voice.

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