Chapter 27

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Zoe's POV

"Well get out of the car," Martin says loudly and I jump a little.

I cannot believe I'm finally here. It's surreal, to say the least. Always dreaming about something is completely different to actually feeling and seeing it come true.

I fumble with the door handle and jump out. A cold breeze brushes my bare arms as the sun's golden glow dims. The noise of people chattering and a few boys whooping loudly greet my ears.

"Do you not want to go in or something?" Martin laughs as the car locks with a small beep.

I shake my head and smile at a few girls that walk by, they smile in return before walking into the mass of people behind the gates.

"I'm ready," I say to myself.

Martin seems to think I'm talking to him. "Then what the fuck are we waiting for?" he grabs my hand, smiling, and pulls me through the large wrought iron gates, emblazoned with an 'H'.

A few people push past me, apologizing off handedly and I smile in response. I can't stop smiling, I probably look like an absolute retard.

"Stop smiling, you look mentally challenged," Martin confirms.


"Do you have to sign anything or register?"

"Yeah, there should be a registration table near the reception area and I have to-"

"Then let's find the registration place," he interrupts as he rudely pushes someone out of the way.

Finally we reach a long driveway, the lawns on either side lined with stalls - Rotary Committee, Rowing Club, International Chess, Music, Poet Society. I read the names knowing I won't try out for anything, although Cameron's voice fills my head, "Join the clubs and make some friends." I suppose I'll have to.

"There it is," I nudge Martin as I spot the large 'Registration' banner further down.

He stops walking at a stall where a large group of boys stand, clearly fighting over something.

"Go Hardwell or go home! Bottom line!" A tall boy says, waving off the other boys.

"Just because he's number one but seriously, Tiesto is fucking king," a blonde boy points out and the other boys nod in agreement, high-fiving him.

Martin chuckles beside me as I notice the sign above the stall - "Sound Club".

"Personally, I agree with him," Martin says as he steps into a gap in the circle of boys, letting go of my hand. He nods toward the blonde boy.

The group stays quiet for a second.

"I've fucking been to all of your shows!" the tall guy shouts, punching Martin on the shoulder and the rest join in, talking loudly about songs I've never heard of.

"Mind taking a picture?" One of them say and Martin agrees.

I roll my eyes as they take the picture and carry on talking loudly in that annoying way boys do. I tap Martin on the shoulder and he doesn't turn around, still speaking to the blonde haired boy.

"Fine," I scowl to myself and push past a few people, making my way down the rest of the gravel pathway toward registration.

When the table beneath the banner comes into view, I notice the long line and sigh. This is what I get for arriving late. I join the line behind an Asian girl dressed in a black blazer and blue jeans.

Maybe I should just randomly start a conversation. My main goal this week is to make friends so that my first day isn't horribly lonely.

"Hi," I say with a bright smile, tapping her on the shoulder.

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