Chapter 29

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Martin's POV

The car beeps and I yank open the door, wanting to pull it off it's damn hinges. I turn the key in the ignition and the old car growls to life.

I steer onto the road, not bothering to check the mirrors. The speed limit sign says 40mph and the dash board in front of me slowly shows a needle creeping up to 70.

The chair was empty. I looked around the room and she was nowhere to be found.

A car honks loudly from behind and I honk back before they overtake me and speed off.

I don't remember ever feeling that fucking terrified in my life besides that night a year ago, almost. I also thought of that fucker Ian and my blood started boiling.

I race down the unfamiliar road, running red lights.

The familiar feeling of anger and helplessness overtook every other sense of judgment I had. What if I was too late? What if I was too late again?

The sidewalk flashes by and I spot a few people straggling along.

When I saw her with her eyes closed, dancing, I knew I had finally lost it.

I skid to a halt and make an illegal u-turn when I realize I've missed Garden Street.

She had the fucking nerve to not listen, to just do whatever she wants and then get pissed off when I get worried. I swerve onto the small street, glancing at the apartment blocks.

Fuck her and this bloody university shit. Damn this whole idea of even trying. Nothing works with me and nothing will. Tonight I felt fine, it was just the tables and me. I didn't remember a thing. I didn't have the images haunting me every time I closed my eyes.

Until I couldn't find her.

Zoe is honestly the most infuriating person in the entire fucking solar system.

I come to an abrupt stop outside block 29 and jump out quickly.

The apartment door opens easily since Zoe didn't lock it and I step inside. I grab all my shit off the floor and stuff it back into the suitcase before slamming it shut. I hear the lock make a weird noise as if it's broken but I pull it off the couch and drag it to the door anyway.

When I make it back to the car, I glance down the road and momentarily wonder if I should just go back and bloody fetch her.

But I don't because she doesn't give two shits and neither do I.

Zoe's POV

I walk slowly toward the slightly open door where the sound of the music is muffled.

I don't know what to think or say except I need to find Nick and get him to take me home. My mind is too clouded with thoughts of Martin running off and doing something stupid. I can't think straight as I push open the door and step inside.

Luckily, I spot Nick easily as he leans against the back of a couch.

Martin's words still echo painfully in my head as I make my way toward Nick.

Nick spots me and stands up straight, tossing me a concerned smile. I try wiping away the tears that form at the corners of my eyes but they fall anyway.

"What's wrong?" he asks as he walks the rest of the way over to me.

"No- nothing. I, I just need to get home," I choke out the words, swiping my hand across my cheek. I feel like a five year old again as Nick stares at me with a worried expression.

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