Chapter 11

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Martin's POV

I laugh quietly as Zoe leaves the room and closes the door behind her. She isn't all that bad; she's too goddamn nosy sometimes but she's nice enough.

I hadn't expected her to be the one at the door, especially asking if I was ok. I honestly thought she would be pissed off after all that shit with her dad but she wasn't. I also wasn't expecting her to be nice to me either. I don't like her, she doesn't like me. End of story.

She did calm me down though which is unusual because normally I wouldn't have been able to handle people wanting to have a 'heart to heart' with me and she didn't do that. That was nice I suppose. I glance at the neatly laid out shoes on the floor. But why did she have to touch my shit?

My phone vibrates with a text. I groan and flip over, grabbing it and reading the text notification on the lockscreen.

Julian Dobbenburg: Having a drink wanna join lol

I swipe across the bottom of the screen and type a reply.

Martijn Garritsen: Ha ha, fuck you Dobben

I remember meeting Julian when I got signed to Spinnin. He was the only guy my age so we got along and soon after we released our track 'BFAM', we started our degree in music production together.

Suddenly a thought strikes me. I wasn't only sent here to get my shit together, I was sent here to finish my degree. But where? I haven't applied anywhere. Then I remember my mother saying something about these Lorden bastards having connections. I'll have to suck it up and ask them about this shit sooner or later. Maybe the quicker I finish university, the quicker I can get the hell out of here.

My phone vibrates again but this time it's a call. I tap the green box and sit up on the bed.

"Wanna come out today? Dan's having a little get together thing at his place."

It's Lisa. I don't remember giving her my number but then again she probably added herself to my contact list.

"I don't think I can."

"Why not? Is that bitch giving you shit again?"

I find myself getting annoyed.

"No. Her parents are."

"Who cares. You're 19."

I mull it over. I could go. I mean it's not like they can tell me I can't. An idea pops into my head.

"Ok hold on."

"Sure." She sighs.

I open the door checking if the hallway is empty. Walking over to Zoe's room, I notice the door is half open so I knock once and walk in.

She looks up from where she is lying on her bed and her eyes widen.

"Can I help you?" She asks and I almost laugh.

"Yes. Will you go somewhere with me?"

Normally I would just leave and not give a damn but I have to ask her to come with because I don't want her parents calling anyone from back home telling them I snuck out or some shit. She's basically a safety measure.

Zoe looks at me in confusion.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Can you just forget about last night. Fuck." I say, getting annoyed. She's stubborn too along with her being annoying.

"Well if you're going to be ru-"

"Ok fine. Forget it."

I turn to walk out but she pipes up.

"Martin! Wait." She calls me and I turn around. "Where do you want to go?" She looks nervous as she asks.

"A friends place."

"But you don't have any friends here.." Zoe says, her eyebrows scrunching together.

"Ok they aren't my damn friends but they've invited me to some party." I hope she doesn't catch on to who I could be referring to.

But of fucking course, her eyes widen and then narrow as she glares at me.

"Is it those..those smokers from yesterday?"

Zoe's POV

Martin doesn't reply and I immediately know I'm right. How dare he even think I would want to go anywhere with him if that's who he's hanging around with. And how dare he think I'd be okay with it knowing what my parents would say.

"Are you stupid?" I ask him.

He glares at me as if I'm the stupid one and I roll my eyes.

"Why are you asking me in the first place?"

Martin doesn't reply until I raise my eyebrow.

"Because I want you to come. You're the closest thing I have to a friend."

His statement warms my heart while simultaneously my heart drops a little too. 'Closest thing to a friend'? So we aren't friends. Okay well I guess I don't like him and he doesn't like me but it still doesn't feel nice. For some reason, I focus more on his first sentence. He wants me to go.

The logical part of my brain kicks in.

He can't go without you because your parents wouldn't allow him to, idiot.

At the same time, a voice is screaming in my head telling me to say no and tell my parents his plan and that going to a party full of stoners and alcoholics is a bad idea. I decide to side with the logical part because there is no way in hell I'm going to a party where I could possibly be arrested or something for just being there.

"Are you going to give me a damn answer or what?" Martin snaps.

"No. My answer is no." He sighs and I add, "You're not going either."

"Excuse me?" He growls and he stiffens.

I know what his problem is, he doesn't like being told what to do.

"You came here to get your life back on track and going to a party with alcoholics and drug lords isn't exactly a step in the right direction." He's glaring at me, his eyes lowered and I glare right back, crossing my arms.

"I don't give two fucks about what direction I'm going in so you can save your shit advice." With that he slams the door shut behind him and I lie back on the bed knowing what's going to happen.

The weird thing is I don't get up or tell my parents. I lie there wondering whether I should actually go with him.


I spend the rest of the day texting Lea and reading the Harvard handbook I got with my acceptance letter. Maybe I am a little obsessed, but who cares. It's Harvard. Occasionally, I hear noises from Martin's room and I wonder what he's doing.

My dad called him for dinner but his door was locked and he didn't bother responding so we all decided to just let him be. He'd get over it, I mean he had to come out eventually.

I decide not to tell my parents about his suggestion to go to the party even though I know I should. But he came here to learn to be responsible and hopefully he'll try.

You know he won't.

I snuggle into bed and turn my lamp off. Lea texted me saying she was going out somewhere with Josh so I realize I have no one to talk to and decide to call it a night and go to sleep.

Eventually I drift off only to be awoken a few hours later by a loud thump coming from somewhere nearby. I jolt awake, my first instinct telling me it's a thief. I pull open my door slowly, peering down the dimly lit hallway. I think about waking Martin up but decide against it. Clearly my parents hadn't heard and I don't want to wake them up for nothing so I pad across the hallway as quietly as I can, walking over to the closet beside the staircase.

The first thing I see are a pair of white shoes and a head of dark brown hair moving toward the front door.


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