Chapter 8

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Martin's POV

Who the fuck does she think she is?

I wasn't planning on losing it the way I did but I've never been one to hold back my damn temper and when she threw my past in my face I couldn't hold it in any longer.

Zoe doesn't have the right to even get pissed off because no one asked her to come snooping around looking for me. But when she said she was told not to leave me alone, I couldn't believe the nerve of these goddamn people to treat me like I'm 5 damn years old.

"Wow, you're more messed up than I thought" is what flung me off the rail. She doesn't know shit about me, or the reasons why I am the way I am and why I do the things I do. Yeah maybe I am a fucked up mess but I wasn't born this way and yeah maybe I need help but I don't want help. People like Zoe are the people in the world that just piss me off because all they do is worry about what everyone else is doing instead of thinking "Hmm it's their life, maybe I should stay the fuck out of it."

And what was with her losing her shit like that? She didn't have to worry about me but she did so that's her problem. I don't give two shits about her or what she thinks about me.

My fists are balled at my sides and my breathing is slow. I need to calm down before I shatter these damn glass doors into a million pieces.

"She's a feisty one, isn't she?" Someone snickers from behind me.

I don't turn around as I hear the group shuffling around and suddenly I feel a large hand on my shoulder.

"You can ride with us man."

It's the tall guy who is now my supplier of cigarettes.

"I'm Dan."


"Let's go. Car's this way." He says, his hand pushing me in the direction of the car. I shove my hands in my pockets and follow.

"She's a bitch." Lisa appears beside me, looking higher than she did 5 minutes ago. Is that even possible?

"Yeah, she is." I reply. Her cleavage is in full view.

"Like what you see?" She smirks and loops her arm through mine.

"Maybe." I return the smirk and she winks.

Dan leads us to a black Nissan truck. What the fuck is it with this town and trucks?

We clamber into the back seat and Lisa lights another cigarette, taking a drag before passing it to me.

"You look like you need it."

I nod and take a drag as she shifts closer to me so that she's practically almost on my lap.

"So where you from dude? Noticed ze accent." A redheaded guy asks.


"Then why are you here?"

Clearly they don't know who I am. I decide not to tell them because it's unnecessary and it feels good to have people who don't know shit about you or what you've done.

"University." I reply, because that is technically why I'm here. Although, I don't even know what uni I'm going to.

"Oh yeah? Waste of time, I think. Parents wouldn't pay shit anyway." He shrugs.

"Where are we going?" I ask no one in particular.

"Dan's place probably."

I want to ask if they could drop me off at Zoe's house but then I realize I don't have to go there if I don't want to. Honestly, she looks about 18 and she has a curfew?

I figure these people will probably have alcohol so I'm definitely not complaining.

"Who was that bitch anyway?" Brendon asks.

I don't know how to answer without telling them I live with her.

"A friend. Crashing at her place for a while." I reply. Technically that isn't a lie.

"A hot 'friend'." The guy next to Brendon laughs.

"Shut up Lance. She's one of those uptown snobs." Lisa snaps, just as Dan pulls into a small parking lot outside a grungy apartment building.

Dan's apartment is on the top floor and the small elevator is cramped with the 5 of us squeezed together. He doesn't live in an apartment really, he lives in a loft because the elevator doors open to reveal his living room as he pulls out his keys to unlock the gate.

I think about Zoe as Dan heads to the kitchen and tosses me a beer straight from the fridge.

I've read all the articles, Martin. You need help. You need to stop.

Her voice replays in my head and I take a swig of the bitter tasting beer. She doesn't know shit about me. I wonder about which articles she read.

The beer is starting to swirl around in my stomach and I feel like I'm filled with air.

And I can see exactly why you're here now, because you're a lying, self centred, arrogant prick!

I feel anger start boiling in my veins again.

Go ahead and ruin your life. I, for one, do not care.

Well join the club Zoe. I don't care, you don't care, nobody's fucking cared.

There's a buzz circling in my head as I crack open my second beer. Lisa's voice sounds far away and everything around me is blurred.

A part of my brain keeps repeating the same sentence over and over.

I wish someone cared for once.

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