Chapter 21

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Zoe's POV

"Here, just hold this ice pack to that bruise on your stomach, you'll be alright," the nurse says sweetly before smiling at Martin and myself and leaving the room.

I stand quietly, staring out the window trying to process why I'm standing in this room with a bruised and cut Martin Garrix. A bigger question is why did my heart skip too many beats when I saw him walk through the door? Why did I run up to him as if I couldn't get to him fast enough? My head aches in confusion and worry.

Clearly, he's been in a fight. A hundred questions whirl around my head - who did he get into a fight with? Why did it happen? I know if I ask him, I won't get any answers so I stay silent. Why does he keep doing things like this? He is honestly the source of all the drama in my life recently.

When I hear Martin gasp quietly behind me, I turn around.

"What's wrong?" The words tumble out and my voice sounds worried and strained.

"You worry too much about shit," he says, placing the ice pack on the bed beside him.

"No. I worry too much about you," I reply quietly, before hoping he didn't hear me.

Of course though, he did.

"That's what I don't understand."

"I don't understand it either," I walk over to the bed and pick up the ice pack, "You need to hold this on that bruise."

I move to place it on his stomach where I'd seen the circular blue mark but he's pulled his t-shirt down again.

"Lift up your shirt," I ask him. I can feel his eyes on me.


"Look, I'm really not in the mood," I snap.

"Then why are you here?"

"Are you seriously asking me that question?" I open my eyes to glare at him only to find a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yes," he replies simply, raising an eyebrow.

"Why do you always need to know why I do things for you?" I ask, annoyance building up within me.

"I don't know, I just do it to annoy you," he says but looks away quickly when I meet his eyes. However, I catch a glimpse of faint uncertainty in them.

"Now lift up your shirt."

"You do it."

"Fine." I give in and tug on the black material, slowly moving it up his stomach.

The blue bruise is bigger than I thought and I gasp at the sight of it under the harsh white light. My fingers trace along the edge of it and I hear him gasp quietly. How bad was this fight? I don't want to ask him though, in case he blows up about it. I try not to stare too long at the deep lines etched into his toned torso and the v shape at the bottom that dip into his jeans. I gulp and re focus on the ice pack.

"Stop checking me out."

"I wasn't!" I reply too quickly, too loudly. I'm really such a horrible liar, it's not even funny anymore.

"Sure," he drags the word out sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and place the ice pack directly onto the bruise.

"It's cute though," Martin says and even without looking up at him, I know he's smirking. My cheeks redden and I move my head so that my hair falls to the side of my face.

"Uhm, Zoe?"

I turn around quickly and Cameron stands in the doorway, his jacket and keys in his hands.

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