Chapter 9

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Martin's POV

I glance at my watch, stumbling up the porch steps - 2:17am. My vision is slightly blurry and I trip on the last step. I'd only drunk 4 beers at Dan's and here I am, already drunk.

I grab the doorknob and twist, to my surprise, the door opens easily. I'm greeted by darkness and silence. Everyone obviously went to sleep. Good. Maybe they got the message that I don't need to be looked after or that they don't need to give a shit about me.

I amble toward the staircase and in my drunken state, I forget about the bottom stair that creaks like a motherfucker. I hear shuffling upstairs and the sound of a light switch being flicked on. Great.

I reach the top of the stairs just as a door opens down another hallway to my left and light floods my vision, making me stumble into the damn closet beside the staircase. I remember Zoe hiding behind it yesterday and I laugh at the thought.

"Martin?" The hippy mother asks. She sounds like my mother, her voice thick with concern and sleep.

"It's 2 in the morning."

"I know." I reply, resting my head against the closet.

"Would you like to tell me where you were?"


"Alright. Goodnight then, sleep well."

She isn't losing her shit or yelling or getting angry. I come home at 2 in the morning, reeking of alcohol and she's not going to say anything? Is Zoe even her daughter because I don't see where her temper comes from.

I decide the hippy isn't too bad as I collapse onto the bed, passing out.


My head is pounding as someone knocks lightly on my door and I bury my head further into the pillow. The knocking becomes a little louder.

"Fuck off." I grumble loudly.

"There will be no cussing in my household. Breakfast is ready. Get ready and come down now or forever hold your hunger till lunchtime." Zoe's father bellows through the door and I jerk up. I regret the action because my head feels like it's going to split in fucking two.

As I drag myself out of bed, he knocks on Zoe's door and calls her for breakfast. In a much nicer tone. I glance at the clock and it's 9am. How do these people even function this early in the morning?

I grab a random pair of pants from my suitcase and my toothbrush - I really need to shove all this shit somewhere.

I swing the door open just as Zoe steps into the hallway, rubbing her eyes, her hair messy. She's only wearing an old looking t-shirt, or that's what it looks like, and I wonder if she knows it's completely see through.


Zoe's POV

My hands fly down and I tug on the t-shirt, cursing myself for not putting on a pair of boy shorts underneath.

Martin's eyes rake up and down my body, resting on my legs and I shift uncomfortably, a blush creeping into my cheeks. He looks up and smirks, staring at my chest and I glance down only to realize I've pulled the shirt almost too far down. I decide to just let go and glare at him until he looks away.

He doesn't.

"Morning." Martin says smirking, his accent laced with sleep.

When I don't reply, he opens his mouth to speak again.

"Cat got your tongue?"

My brain does a double take. He's talking to me after everything he said last night? Basically he told me to stay out of his life and leave him alone, but now he's acting as if nothing even happened. Never in my life had anyone spoken to me the way he did and never in my life had I ever been so furious. He had the nerve to throw everything in my face and ask why I was worried. He is honestly the worst and most confusing person I've ever met and I've only known him for one day.

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