Chapter 14

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Zoe's POV

The moon casts a dim eerie glow as I look around to the house, glancing at my parents bedroom windows. Martin's jaw clenches as he looks at me worriedly and I'm pretty sure my expression mirrors his.

"I'm so stupid, I should've remembered the keys before I left with Le-"

"You're not stupid," Martin looks away before continuing, "And fuck, you were almost ra-" I wince and he notices because he pauses. "Sorry. It's understandable that you forgot. Shit happens."

"'Shit happens'?" I shriek in a low whisper, "What are we going to do? We can't waltz up to the front door and just knock can we?"

"No. Don't you have a backdoor?" He asks, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck in frustration.

My heart lifts and then drops back to the pit of stomach, where it's spent most of tonight anyway.

"Yeah but I locked that before going to bed.."

Martin scowls and starts pacing on the side of the street.

"Stop pacing." I don't know why but it's always annoyed me. Walking back and forth never solved anyone's problems and in general, the action is too repetitive and irritating.

"Fuck off. I'm thinking."

"You don't have to cuss at m-"

"Shut up!"

I stay silent as he rests his back against a street lamp, his eyes closed. I want to walk over and rub the crease in his brow away but something tells me he wouldn't be too happy about that so I remain in my position opposite him.

My parents are going to go ballistic if they find out I snuck out and God only knows what they'd do if they realized what happened at the party. My head spins at the thought and I feel sick to my stomach, remembering Ian's hands on me and I shiver in fear for the tenth time tonight. This was my first and last party.

I look over to the driveway and my car, before my eyes move over to the front door. My heart stops and I feel my stomach tighten as a light in the living room is flicked on. An orange glow is cast over the porch and I see two shadows moving around, a pair of arms waving about frantically.

They know.

Martin's eyes snap open when I grab the sleeve of his jacket and tug on it. He whips around and his eyes immediately settle on the porch, widening. I gulp and realize this is it. My life is over. They're going to kill me. Goodbye world, it was nice knowing you.

Martin holds onto my pinkie finger and I almost smile at the cute gesture until he starts walking slowly to the house. I pull my hand away from his and he looks back, his eyes asking me what the hell I'm doing.

"Are you insane! We can't just walk in there! They'll kill us, Martin. They'll kill us both." I whisper a bit dramatically. Okay maybe they wouldn't kill me, but Martin was definitely an option.

"We can't stand out here all night. And in case you forgot, we're locked out. And they know we aren't in there. So suck it up princess." He grumbles, grabbing my hand again and roughly pulling me behind him. I scowl at his use of the word 'princess' but stumble along, following, my heart hammering against my chest.

Martin stomps up the porch steps and the loud thumps make me jump a little. I wish he wouldn't be so obvious but we're in trouble anyway so what difference does being quiet about it make. We walk up to the front door just as I hear a key fumble in the lock and the door flies open.

"Where have you been?" My father bellows and his eyes are wide as he looks at my tear stained face before glaring at Martin.

"Oh honey!" My mother squeaks, and pushes my dad aside, wrapping me in a hug. Her shoulders shake as she starts crying. "Wha- Where did you go? It's one in the morning Zoe!" She shrieks as she lets go of me and stares at my shoulder. "Is- is that blood?"

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