Chapter 12

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Zoe's POV

I step slowly away from the closet and walk over to the railing. Peering down, I see him fumble with the door and realize it's locked.

"It's locked, obviously." I whisper loudly, walking down the steps as quietly as I can, stepping over the last stair.

Martin jerks around and his eyes widen in surprise before he scowls.

"Give me the keys."


Is he seriously asking me for the keys as if I'm going to give it to him?

"Give. Me. The. Keys." He growls.

"You do realize I can just go upstairs and tell my parents about this plan of yours?" I say, rather bitchily, crossing my arms.

"You do realize I don't care?" Martin takes a step closer to me, lowering his eyes as he glares at me intently.

I take a step backwards and return his glare even though the intensity of his gaze is causing my cheeks to burn up.

"You- You should." I stammer slightly and he smirks.

"No. I don't have to because they can't do anything." He takes another step toward me and I shift my body around him, walking backwards.

"Then why are you here?" I ask, as he walks slowly over to me.

"Fuck knows."

"I still don't unders-"

"Either you give me the keys or I'll break this door down."

"You wouldn't." I squeak, hating myself for being so affected by his proximity.

"I would."

"Wha- What can.. I do to make you stay?" The words come tumbling out in a rush before I can make sense of what I'm actually saying.

Martin smirks again.

"There's lots you can do," he smiles, "but I don't want to stay. You know.. You could just come with me." His accent makes the offer sound delectable but I shake my head.

"No. Please. Think about it- what you're doing." My voice comes out shaky.

"If you come with me, I won't do anything stupid." He says and my breath hitches in my throat.

Going with him and making sure he doesn't get drunk or killed or something is better than leaving him on his own. Maybe if I'm there, I can force him to be responsible.

"Okay I'll come."

Martin grins. He points to my t-shirt with a look of disgust. I look down at the small unicorn print and back up at him.

"It's a party. Change."

Why did he think of that before I did? Oh right. I don't usually sneak out to parties at 10pm on a Saturday night.

After changing at the speed of lightning into a pair of skinny jeans and a loose fitting dark blue top, I glance in the mirror wishing I had make up of my own. I brush my hair and it curls into soft waves, it doesn't look great but it doesn't look too bad either.

I make my way down the stairs taking one last look at my parents bedroom door. They would literally go bezerk if they knew what I was doing. I can only pray they never find out. Ever.

Martin looks me up and down for a few seconds before blinking and nodding toward the door. I fumble with the house keys for a few seconds, too nervous to think straight, and eventually unlock the door. I follow Martin out and close the door quietly behind me.

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