Heartbreaker & Broken Hearts

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I am exhausted physically and mentally. GAHHH. I've broken hearts, I think way too many times. There were times that it was done on purpose and times where it was purely accidental. I feel really sorry but its been over and done with. I've experienced heartbreak too. Yes, how shocking! Thrice. To be exact. Hm yes, its still countable.

The funny thing is every time I break a guy's heart, they'd always find someone to be with. Thank god! I am kind of like an accidental matchmaker okay? Like each time holy shit. I'd find out like two weeks after that they'd moved on and are in a relationship with a girl. Seems like a sweet deal to me aightt. Good for them!

I have been called a fboi and a heartbreaker before. YIKES. Well I kinda was. I deserved those labels. Maybe receive an actual trophy handed out to me? "FBOI OF THE YEAR" or "#1 HEARTBREAKER". Sucks, I know. It's like my life's a sitcom or something. Someone needs to play that classic 50s fake laughter in the background because what a joke.

It's almost as if this is a rom-com but the romance part is definitely messed up and I'm constantly just being comedic with my life choices.

Dear friends, I am sorry ya'll need to deal with my issues sometimes. Thanks for being able to tolerate my nonsense.

I really need to re-evaluate everything's that's happened so far because things do get out of my control. Horrible. Not being in control is such a nightmare for me. I don't wanna be off the rails like haLP NOPe.

I used to not feel sorry for those I've rejected but now that I think about it, I was such a prick like I don't even know. 'How to Be a Heartbreaker' by Marina & The Diamonds used to be my anthem. That could not be anymore real. Oh Lord.

I don't think breaking hearts and me getting heartbroken will come to an end soon (well yet) *sighs* but from all the experiences, I will get through it. Hurray for positive thinking and neglecting negative vibes!

I do know that one day, all these will be such tragic yet funny stories to tell. And it'll just crack my children/grandchildren up. I can't wait for that day. Its waiting for me, I just know it. (ayyyy assuming)

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