Friends Can Break Your Heart Too

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Friendship fall-outs are very similar to typical relationship breakups but they are far worse. You'll never get to experience the same type of friendship even if you guys reconcile later on.

I've had like multiple friendship fall-outs and of course that'll increase more as I grow up. It's really upsetting. I always think that all of my friendships would be forever but that's kind of silly and naive of me to think that can happen. A friendship breakup is something you should never wish upon. As much as you can, try to keep your friends close to you but if you must neglect a toxic friendship, go ahead.

You'll have all these memories of you and your amigo/amiga having so much fun and you'll think to yourself ; "why did i let this friendship fall apart?" Like what about all the promises and hopes we had for each other?

No matter the reason, at some point you will blame yourself for causing the friendship to end. No matter how toxic the friendship was, there's still a part of you that would've liked/thought it'd last and wondered if you could've done anything more to save it. Should you have held on to the friendship? Or was it right for you to let go?

If you're lucky, there might be closure to your friendship. If not, then you will always wonder why it ended on that note. Maybe just maybe, he/she would explain to you why they left or why you both became distant with one another. Why didn't they try to keep in touch with you? Why didn't they stay?

As we grow older, we tend to like different things and our perspective on the world changes. Sometimes, we are no longer acquainted with once before, closest friends. They've found new friends ; so did you. One no longer relates to the other. One no longer feels comfortable telling his/her past bestfriend his/her secrets.

We become distant with one another. Lost of communication. Misunderstanding. Pride. Ignorance. Betrayal. New friends. People change ; they do, you do. It's something uncontrollable. Something inevitable. Hence, your friendship slowly fades. You'll move on with your life and so will they. Your friendship will just be a chapter in their youth. It's bound to happen.

Making a long-term friendship work out requires a lot of effort and sacrifice. You'll need to maintain a strong bond with each other. It can't only be one person's job though, both parties must try to interact. It should be a two-way situation.

With these aside, still put in your all in friendships. Sure the uncertainty of how long it'll last is unpredictable but don't be afraid to take the risk. Cherish your time with your friends. Appreciate their company.

Don't blame yourself too much if it ends. Losing friends is natural and everyone experiences it at some point of their life, young or old. Shit happens man. I wish you all meaningful friendships ahead of you. Never stop making friends.

Dictionary :
* reconcile - restore friendly relations between
* naive - lack of wisdom/judgment
* inevitable - something that's bound to happen

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