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I've had this concept in the back of my mind ever since but I never wrote it down because I felt that it wasnt complete but I don't think it ever will be. So here it is :

People always take me for granted,
thinking I'll always be there.
They never think of me until it's too late.
What's done is done.
Every single one of you out there -
has wasted all of the potential, chances and the possibilities I gave.
I wonder why nobody gave importance to me.
I thought I was a big part of life.
It all made sense before but I am slowly doubting all that I'm made of.
Why was I underappreciated?
I thought I was worth a lot.
Moments and pictures all through the years.
What has changed?
Everyone is slowly killing me.
What for?
To get distracted from all of their repressed sadness.
Don't you feel it?
I do.
I see that you're happy, you don't even notice that I've gone by.
I understand though.
The thought of me scares you.
Being closer to the inevitable death.
I'm not all bad you know?
I gave you the memories to reminisce about.
I roam around in mostly in circles, sometimes in a parade of squares but I feel caged.
Will I ever end? Or will I continue being like this forever?
Does forever even exist? Nihilism overcomes everybody.
Days get shorter and everything feels faster.
It gets overwhelming.
Don't worry I will help you heal, well that's what they said.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am TIME.

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