All Smiles

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You called me up to ask about something random. The call lasted for like 3 minutes?? I don't know why, but I felt that you were smiling over the phone and so was I. You were so lost in terms of trying to figure out how you're supposed to study. Which seems really funny to me I don't even know. I really did not know how I was gonna be of any help because I'm clueless in so many ways as well. I was pretty much stuttering over the phone. I think I zoned out at one point also. Oops! The actual struggle is real.

Our conversations through social media were one of the most random ones I've had. The fact that you made an effort to reply fast, is really great. I appreciate fast repliers. They should be given more recognition for this I swear to God. This guy's really open to almost about anything which is such a massively amazing trait not most boys at this age possess.

When we make eye contact, you do this really sincere smile or sometimes possibly a smirk?? And it makes me laugh. I usually do turn back in front abruptly when this happened because I'd smile to myself. Back then, I felt like blushing how embarrassing?? Gosh. Its that kind of moment where you're just OMFJDJC HALP It's really still a mystery to be honest like ????? What was going on boiiii HAHAH

When we smiled at each other, it brightened up my day. It's really uplifting, if you ask me. You said that I've got that "aura" but I think that the good vibes actually came from you?? You really give off positive energy and I think more people should have that.

I am still so uncertain as to how we became from strangers to that weirdly close friendship. We barely talked at first but at one point we became comfortable with one another.

This boy is adventurous, humorous and most of all very much caring. I still remember when I was going through a 'crisis' period and well, you helped me out without a doubt. He was never judgemental towards what I've said and was really supportive. He was there when I needed help. Thank you so much for that.

You made me do crazy shit with you and surprisingly, it felt fricccckin fun as heck boi. All is good. You really did have the craziest ideas which made me question my sanity. Literally the most 'romantic' thing I've done was to break the rules for you. I still don't know how to feel about that but it got me SHOOK. The thrill in that ride is beyond my words. I cannot explain how free I felt during that day.

I hope you'll believe in yourself more and will accept and love yourself for who you are. Because believe it or not, you're something alright.

As of now, we're not close anymore but continue doing what you love. Wishing you all the best!

Dictionary :
* aura - the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place
* sanity - the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner

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