Bus & Train Rides

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There are times where these are the worst man. You meet certain people in which you'll either fall in love with momentarily or honestly just single out whoever is nasty.

This chapter's prolly some sort of rant because I haven't vented out my feelings for a while now. LET ME LIVE OH MY GOD.
Tbh, like I haven't written in over two months I got lazy and had no motivation to continue but here I am back at it again woopSIE.

I got a love-hate relationship with journeys in these public transports. Honestly, sometimes I'd get emotional while on dem so hahahah. Though, to be fair, I do see some cute strangers sometimes. So, its a done deal. Ayeee

You get to listen to music whilst staring out the window. Extra effect if its raining. Brilliant! You are now a star, own that!

I take the bus each morning to get to school. There's a bit of traffic but that's okay.

What I hate about public transport is how crowded it really gets. SMH. "lol take a taxi then" but shit fam budget's tight. So you gotta deal w that. I really can't stand crowds unless it's like at a concert or a music festival but other than that gAHHHH. I get dizzy when there's way too many people around idek.

Nothing special really happens in train and bus rides except like this one time.

Okay so, I was on the way back home with my friends and like when the bus stopped at the bus stop (my choice of words KMS). I was giggling with my friends and I gazed out the bus. Little did I know, there was a boy sitting down on one of the benches at the bus stop. I think he thought that I was smiling at him. So, what he did was, very SLOWLY, fixed his hair and then looked up at me. LIKE WHJFJDHX WHAT. HAHAHAH
Dang flabbit! Everyone saw what he did and we were all like ??????? HAJDBDBS

Up til today, my bestfriend still reminds me of that. It was honestly iconic.

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