Proper Manners

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**This chapter is mostly a rant and my perspective towards something i've been thinking about for the past two days

I feel sort of shaken when people are so rude to their parents, teachers, elders or even friends. Like, where have your manners gone? If it was reasonable, then maybe yes go on ahead. But, as much as possible I think misunderstandings can be handled practically and logically.

How you act reflects who you are as a person. Don't give me that bullshit that this persona is all just a cover-up or all pretend. I believe that you can choose how to behave. Obviously, you have the thinking capacity to make decisions for yourself.

Being influenced into something bad is honestly such foolishness. If you're not actually pressured into it, then why? You must have the actual desire to commit to whatever it is you've been influenced to.

When one's behaviour changes for the worse, it seems like a very tragic and unfortunate twist of events. I get how when you're growing up, you tend to be surrounded by all sorts of characters. And you're lost and confused about whoever to follow. However, can't you set your own path and create the flow by yourself? You shouldn't be blind about your surroundings and dive into a cliff.

You're mostly affecting yourself. Rethink. Re-evaluate. Take action. Some things can't be taught but are felt and is common sense. Practice good manners. We have enough problems of our own. Let's not be pricks to others and add on to their issues.

Also, I think children and teenagers should be given respect also. It's not fair if only the elders are treated right. Each and everyone's feelings/thoughts matter. Some opinions maybe irrelevant and not asked for but accept it ; of course unless it hurts another being then one has the right to correct that mindset.

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