The Real Problem

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the problem wasn't caring too little.
it was caring TOO MUCH,

too much it overspilled.
not into words
but behind closed doors,
tears were shed.
what a weakling.
laugh it off.

plenty of friends
but why do we still
feel alone sometimes?
or rather why do I
feel lonely in a sea of people?

in a hurricane of pretend,
i yell "i dont Care"
why would i?
the wind quickly carries it away
those words vanish into thin air,
leaving my mouth dry.
i was getting caught in my own lie.

i got sucked in this sinkhole,
unable to pull myself out.
no one is Able to.

i try to pave my way.
but nothing goes right.
i am back to square one.

this cycle,
is never-Ending.

in case of an earthquake, leave me be.
my humble abode rests on a fault line.

now, read the bold words.

for all of you.
i havent learned yet.
my heart hurts.

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