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when I had the chance

- Hi!
- Can we be friends?
- You have nice eyes
- You're really pretty
- I like your shirt
- I am sorry
- What's wrong?
- I don't like you
- I like you
- I just want to be friends
- I am not okay
- I mean it
- I didn't mean to
- I am freaking out please don't go anywhere I need a friend with me right now
- I don't want to go
- No
- I changed my mind
- Fuck you
- Fuck off
- Can you stop that?
- That's not funny
- Goodbye

and things I should've done..

I should've smiled more at the people who needed it.
I should've comforted my friends more when they didn't do well or when they were feeling blue.
I should've made the first move.
I should've helped someone who was getting verbally bullied.
I should've stood up for myself.

If you were given another chance, would you say or do all of these?

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