Mixed Feelings

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Dear beloved diary/journal...I am here to profess my undying love for you...It's been years since I've laid my eyes on you. Please accept me as I am for I admire you for what you are, a non-living thing. It will never work out between us but I'd just like you to know how I feel about you. HAHHAHAAHAH okay sorry I just didn't know how to start off this chapter so there you go.

*SIGHS* Mixed feelings. The cause of complications. If you were a person, you'd be one of the most problematic.

For me especially, I feel this a lot. Like honestly all the time. For places, people, things, food, songs. Having mixed feelings is something that everyone can really relate to.

I always have mixed feelings about school. I go to school to get an education but you know sometimes, the systems fricks with your mental health. So, you need a break from it. Be absent once in a while. Sometimes I also feel like dropping out of school because it becomes too much for me. However, if I do dropout, then I wouldn't have a future. I can't provide for my own family nor myself. You need to think about this. Nonetheless, I do have times where I enjoy myself in school because of the people I hang out with. They make me laugh and they share their knowledge with me. Hence, I have mixed feelings about school.

If you're someone who loses interest very fast or let's say a very picky person, then you will always always always have mixed feelings over everything. It's probably an emotion you're so familiarized with already.

Having mixed feelings all the time is both a good and a bad thing. You'll be able to distinguish things/people more accurately because you will spend more time thinking rather than acting first without much thought. Though, you will be seen as an indecisive person. Gahh, who cares? You do you.

Do not be ashamed of having mixed feelings because at some point, everyone does experience it. But from time to time, have a definite choice. It's also nice to have pure feelings. Like pure rice and mixed rice. Find that balance fam. Balance is key.

Dictionary :
* profess - declare

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