Like Books

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People come and go. People disappoint. People lie. I've never read a book that has made me felt melancholic. But I've met a few people that made me feel a sense of melancholy. Books I've read always made sense. This is obviously because the writer has put much thought into his/her work. The words reflect so much meaning. Unlike books, people are way more complicated, deceitful and unpredictable. But like books, people are full of wonders. Our differences are what makes us human. It's what makes us beautiful. It's what makes us unique.

Why are there killings in the world? Why are we destroying each other? It's really not necessary. But why do some people do it anyway? Greed, power, money. These are what makes us human beings ugly. We're supposed to be the most intelligent amongst all the other animal species. The world has developed so much but why are minds still easily brainwashed (?) Its a very upsetting issue.

Through books, movies, art - we have the power to actually make a difference and make awareness. We all have so much potential and we're wasting our brain capacity on wars, terrors, making lives miserable. That's not cool. It's never been. The savage mindset is not right. You have to think of consequences. How it will affect you or others around you. Stand up for something if you can. Share positivity and your knowledge.

There are so much more to books than just romance itself, we learn actual life lessons from them sometimes. A pretty face does not equate to a pretty mind. A pretty mind does not equate to a pretty heart. It all must go together. You've got to be the one who imply it on yourself. Don't just change your appearance on the outside, make an effort to have wisdom and a heart of gold.

In this world that already has a lot of cruelty happening, why not just be nice? Stop taking advantage of kind people. Stop taking advantage of helpless people. Stop taking advantage of others. Offer your help as much as possible. You might get nothing in return, but know that you've done something.

Like in most books, be the protagonist of your own lives. Be oblivious but be sensible. Be curious but don't be judgmental. Be open-minded. Try new things. Travel if you can. Make friends. Converse at 2am, converse at 2pm. Notice your surroundings. Love. Sure, you might get your heartbroken but who knows, right? If so, move on. Love again. Take advantage of the things you already have. Don't be afraid to dream. Grow up but don't lose that cheerfulness that you have as a child. You don't always have to have a plan because sometimes it just doesn't follow. Live your life on the edge but not all the time. You don't have to be constantly reckless.

There are circumstances where the book's cover may not be the most appealing but the story it holds is magnific. In some cases, the cover is astonishing. However, the story is
dreary or either bewildering. We might know some folks who'd correspond or are quite fitting for what is stated above.

So, in many ways ; we are like books.

Dictionary :
* melancholy - a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
* deceitful - full of lies, con-artist
* oblivious - not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one.
* sensible - done or chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence
* dreary - dull, boring
* bewildering - confusing

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