Internet Friends!

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(solely dedicated to my friends on snapchat,ig and twitter)

The people whom I share similar music tastes with, the ones who's lingo is internet, has humour of sometimes the lamest things but seem really funny to the both of us, the ones that waste their time and effort on the web just to express their love and affection to those bands, books, tv series, movies etc. that they truly believe in. We became more than just mutuals. For me, it blossomed into actual friendship (noice). This is for you.

First of all I'd just like to thank you all for being such amazing companions on the web. I've never met most of ya'll in person but we just sort of clicked didn't we? I can't put into words how blessed I feel because I've known you guys at some point of my life (my teenagehood yuuuuh).

You all have such interesting personalities and I feel so lucky to have known you through the internet. I don't think I've ever had dull conversations with any of you. Although we don't chat daily, I'd like to let you guys know how much I treasure this thing that's going on between us. LMAOOO Look at me becoming like a clingy girlfriend.

I talk about my internet friends to my bestfriends irl all the time. I want ya'll to be connected as well because how cool would it be if we were all best buds.

I just want to hug you all (which I rarely do fyi so be honoured) and prove my love irl but we all live so far away from each other. It would be euphoric if I ever got the chance to meet you all in person.

Though I'm not mentioning, any of your names here, ya'll know who you are. Please take this as a massive compliment HAHAH.

I will never forget you guys even when I'm old. Believe me, I will never get tired of telling stories about ya'll when I grow older and have kids and grandkids. Ooooh shiet that got deep real quick. I'm sorry I don't tell you guys how much I really appreciate everything that you've contributed to my life.

My love for my internet friends and friends irl is equivalent to my love for memes. I pledge loyalty to ya'll. Your secrets are safe with me. Let me know if anyone wants to fight you, I shall stand by your side. HEUEHUE I deadass am affected also. Though, I dont show how much I adore you guys so much, hopefully this chapter makes up for it.

Lastly, please never change and always stay woke about issues because your views and opinions matter a lot to me. On top of all, I want to stay updated on your lives!!!

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