Yours Truly

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I'm not changing the font on this one because I think italics don't work too well with this particular chapter.

Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you so much for making me feel loved and for bringing me up. I know how difficult of a child I am sometimes. I'm stubborn.
Always trying to test your patience and crap. Especially to you mom. I'm sorry for making you cry before. Dad, though you're not the showy type, I know you try to make it up through buying me the things I want and need. I hope that someday I can repay all of the kindness you've shown and taught me. I know that I'm not the perfect daughter but I love you guys so much and I'm sorry for all the wrong-doings. I can't promise I won't be making wrong decisions anymore but I'm trying to avoid it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

To the people I've done wrong to,
I'm sorry if I've put you through a certain kind of pain, heartbreak, or whatever it is. It's a bit too late to take back all the words I've said and actions I've made but I hope someday you'll find it in your hearts to forgive me. I hope all is well for you.

To the people who's left me,
I'm still wondering why you did. Though, I hope you're doing well. Weird that we once shared our life stories with one another but now well... we don't. Sometimes I miss that. The idea of still having you as a friend or someone who's in my life but I'm sure someday I'll get over it. Thank you for the unforgettable memories and insights I've learnt from you all. I'm sad for the fallouts but I wish you all the happiness in the world.

To the people who stayed,
I'm so thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you for tolerating all of me. In return, I shall tolerate all of you as well. HAHHA. I apologize if I'm not fulfilling my duties as a friend of yours. I appreciate having you all in my life although I sometimes forget to show it. I'm not very good at expressing my emotions in real life so bear with me hahah. Please continue staying.

.....and lastly

To myself,
Wow! man I've gone through a lot. I'm so proud of you for overcoming all the obstacles you've been challenged with. Although its not as crucial and most probably considered first-world problems, I'm glad that you managed to pick yourself up from those. I know I doubt myself often but even I surprise myself with my capabilities. I can't imagine being another person other than me. For once, I actually feel like I belong and that I have a purpose in this universe. You're the person whom I owe the biggest apology to. I'm sorry I didnt know how to treat myself right before and love the imperfections that I'm stuck with. For all the times that I blamed myself for failing, felt that its not good enough, for not taking care of my physical and mental health, I'm so sorry. I'm slowly learning to accept all of me and beginning to know my worth. Please never give up on yourself.

Yours Truly,

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