For You

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This is for you SA. Here's to our VERY dysfunctional friendship. Where do I even start? As of now, you're the closest of the close to me. You're number 1. The real MVP. HAHAHAHA.

Describing you would be odd but I'll still do that because I need illustrations of your facial features and your bomb-ass personality!!!!

You've got chocolate brown hair, fair-skin, a cute lil button nose, plump lips (you wish for em but u already got em hon smhhhh), a killer body and a centimetre taller than me. If someone were to draw that, it'd be a nightmare but I'm not a professional writer so take it or leave sweetheart. There you go! That's your appearance!

For your inner beauty, you've got a pure heart, sometimes sadistic but we can work with that. You can let loose if you want to although I am a bit disappointed that you're not as weird as I am. You're a very passionate lover (???) You've got your life planned out, which I feel strongly amazed about. You are a great listener though your advices can go a little bit overboard, I'd like to thank you for it. Rate : 900/10 tbh you seem pretty chill, hmu sometime UAHAHAHFHHD JK

We honestly are weirdly connected with dem bois like ???? How??????? It's cool though!! Though let's try to not deal with any of em anymore. They're dumb tbh lololol. We'll stick through highschool together okay! You really could be my soulmate as a girl bestfriend like holy guacamole. With that stated, you're the heart-eyes emoji and I'm the traffic light!

Though we have our differences (eg.) I'm hot and you're cold, we manage to set that aside y'know?

I've had different experiences with my other bestfriends/friends from the past but I think so far, you're the closest one to me and the one I've had gone through loads of crap with. You've seen me at my worst and best. I've seen you at your worst and your best. Hehe.

I'm so sorry I've hurt your feelings before. I was just so stressed at that time and I took out my anger on you !!!¡ :-(

I feel like I can talk about anything with you. We can converse for hours like legit. Our longest phone call was like nearly 3 hours gosh!

The world really does seem mystical and unpredictable. From the moment we've met, I would have never guessed that we would complement each other! Who would've thought we'd become bestfriends???? Like wow! We barely talked last time and each day we meet, we still haven't run out of things to say to one another.

Even the slight pauses of silence, we have daily, it doesn't matter anymore. We can endure it. That speaks way more than words because we're not uncomfortable by it.

I can't believe that maybe someday you're going to live and study in another country. I don't know what I'd do without you. Well realistically speaking, I would probably find a new bestie when you leave but I would have to start all over again on the getting to know each other process and its so exhausting y'know??? I'll probably send you off at the airport and then we'll be hugging and saying our last goodbyes. We'll probs be a mess, sobbing, bawling our eyes out.

I know you're going through a lot at home and I'm sorry I can't be there most of the time but I'm always here to lend a shoulder. Don't bother asking if I'll leave your side because no, I'll stand by my ground. Well unless you do a crime, then lmao bYe hoe HHAHFHSH

To more years of laughing,bonding,crying,dancing,singing and everything else that we do. I hope we get to see each other grow up, get married, travel, have kids, make eulogies for one another (for whoever dies first kaY) HHAHAH

I'm still learning about you day by day. Tell me anything or nothing. This is so gay but I love you so much bestie 💖🌹

 This is so gay but I love you so much bestie 💖🌹

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