Chapter Ten

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I felt like I hit the jackpot, but at the same time, I was angry. Angry that I didn't get my way, angry that it had to be in front of half of the council. Part of me--the part that I refused to acknowledge, was elated. I had a part of Lux. Lux had a part of me. The incubus in me reveled in the feeling.

I wanted--no needed--more.

Lux held on to my arm tightly, her eyes were dark. She looked as if she wanted to slaughter everyone in this room. I wouldn't blame her. She already hated us as it is, and on top of it, Fred watched.

"Let's hurry to the conference room. After tonight, don't ever fucking talk to me," she growled.

If it wasn't for the pity I was feeling towards her, I would pin her against the wall and force her to never talk like that to me again. But at this moment? I'd let almost everything slide.

We walked into the conference room, walking off to the side. The thing about Blair's mansion was that his house was basically like a huge playhouse museum. This mansion put the Playboy Mansion to shame.

Lux took a seat beside me. She folded her arms and glared at the Head.

"We'll make this quick and easy. Two incubi now have been murdered. I will no longer be disclosing any information about the identities of our fallen brethren. For the safety of Incubi, we will stop at nothing to find who is killing our people. Those of you with multiple succubi, you will have to release the majority of them into the Castle's custody'," the head explained.

My eyes grew wide. Why would he take the succubi? He couldn't really take all the succubi, could he? "Why couldn't we just question those who are under suspicion?"

"Succubi sex energy powers the Incubi and it will protect them so we only want the best of the best protecting them. Plus, if a succubus is killing incubi, then the succubi who is partnered with the Incubi will die. If any more murders were to happen, we can see firsthand who is the cause" The head explained, leaning back in his chair.

I shook my head. Bringing the succubi to the castle in no means helped find who was killing the incubi. Instead, it made it even harder to infiltrate his castle. Bloodtrei was protecting his own ass. He was scared. Fucking coward.

I could feel Lux tense beside me. She seemed like she was going to burst in anger. That just piqued my interest even more. If she did kill Jonathan Bluton, then we would have to kill her.

Blair sighed. "And why don't we just all stay together and keep our succubi?"

Xavier chuckled softly. "Because incubi cannot stay in one room for long my dear friend. We are alpha males, staying together is not something we're used to. Do you even the space for the number of succubi you'll be obtaining?"

The Head motioned toward Roman. "Roman will explain. I will leave now, but I'm sure you all will have this worked out. Roman will need a list of the succubi everyone has claimed." The Head stood up his eyes, heading straight for Lux. "Lux, come with me. I wish to talk to you."

Lux looked straight at the wall as if she were in a daydream. I wondered what she was thinking. I bumped her a bit and she snapped out of her daydream, her gaze meeting mine. "What?"

"Bloodtrei wants to talk to you," I raised my eyes and they held the gaze of Bloodtrei. There were no expressions in his eyes, yet I could sense the amount of malevolence coming from him.

Luxinia followed Bloodtrei out the room, the last thing in her view being me.

Roman rose from his seat. "If you have under three claimed succubi, you will be able to leave here tonight. The set up will be in the next room. Don't worry, if none of you wish to part with you succubi, there are arrangements we can make to ensure they are not separated from you."

Everyone rose and immediately started walking towards the room. I knew I could leave, but I made no move to get up. I would rather wait for Lux.

It was only a few moments before she came back, an expressionless expression on her face.

Lux approached me. "Don't worry about your story. Everything has been handled. I'll be leaving now. My incubus is here to pick me up." Lux looked exhausted and I doubt it had anything to do with me.

So she was paired with someone. Who was more of the question? I nodded and saw her walk away quickly, the collar already in my hands.



I had never been so happy to leave that horrid place. Although, I was lucky to hear about what Bloodtrei had said. Bloodtrei was onto me. That could put Tessa and Jamie at risk. They could get in trouble for helping to hide my powers. I'm sure the story I told Bloodtrei would throw his suspicions off. Lying for Jesse put me in a shitty position, but it was the least I could do. I told Bloodtrei the human tried attacking me and since I had no powers I couldn't defend myself. I wasn't near my incubus because Jesse was questioning me. Jesse saved me. Jesse was the hero. Good enough story to satisfy Bloodtrei.

I took a deep breath as I finally got outside. I let my human skin wash away and my succu-form came forward. When I used to change into my true form, it would hurt as skin shed to reveal my true skin, but now I welcomed the shift since afterward I felt so exhilarated. My hair grew longer, turning a snow-white. Bones cracked all along my body, my shoulder blades shifting and starting to protrude out of my back. Bat wings pushed through, sharp spikes at the tips of them. I felt pain ripple at my temples, horns pushing through them. My nails sharpened into claws then my feet. My ears elongated and became pointy. I felt my eyes itchy, turning red with black pupils. My teeth lengthened, becoming more grotesque. I felt my spine crack and something start to grow out of the small of my back. My tail whipped around my legs. If a human were to spot me, they would immediately have a lust for me, even if I wasn't their standards of beauty.

It felt great to be in my true form, even if I felt a little bit out of control. It was risky to be in my true form this close to the mansion. They thought I wasn't powerful enough to shift into my true form. I jumped and my wings beat down, giving me air. I needed to hurry to Tessa and Jamie. They would soon begin to worry.

I was lost in my thoughts flying on the way home that I didn't notice a whistling sound behind me. I felt something wrap around my ankles, tugging me down roughly. I whirled around and saw a blur of purple and black coming towards me.

Another succubus.

I backed up. "What the fuck?"

The girl smirked. "Ya needed by someone. Sorry." Her blonde hair was tied in a long ponytail, showing her pointed ears. Her body wasn't curvy like a typical succubus, but her sharp features gave her a beauty like no other. Her red eyes turned to thin slits as she coiled like a spring.

She lunged for me in the blink of an eye. I backed up, my claws digging into her wings. She squealed and took something out of the compartment from her side. She raised it above her head, the thing glinting in the moonlight.

It was a syringe. With red liquid.

I gasped and flew back, trying to get away fast enough. I didn't need that in my system. I've seen what it does to succubi.

Her arm came down quicker than I could comprehend and next thing I knew, it was stabbing me in the stomach.

Red flooded into my vision and I felt myself going down.

My last thoughts went to Jamie and Tessa, hoping that one I awoke, I would be with them.

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