Chapter Twenty Five

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WARNING: non-consensual occurrences happen in this chapter. Readers discretion is advised. 



I found myself looking at the spot where Jesse sat. I still smelt his cologne and it killed me. I still felt his arms around me. I still felt his lips touch my head. I still felt him. I wanted him to run back and take me out of this place. There was so much that I was feeling at that moment and I didn't know how to cope with it.

So I started to cry.

And not the sobbing kind where no tears come out. No, I was silently crying, with a multitude of tears running down my face. My shoulders heaved and I wanted to scream. I threw my head back and screamed, but no sound would come out. I've screamed for so long, nothing was left.

I so desperately wanted Jesse to help me and take me out of this hellhole. I must've pictured a million different scenarios in how he would take me out of here. However, all seemed hopeless. Dominick wouldn't let Jesse take me. Not now, not ever.

Dom approached me, his steps heavy and loud. "You stupid bitch, didn't I fucking tell you to make yourself scarce? I told you they were coming. You had to show yourself? You wanted to be discovered. If Bloodtrei thinks that I'm going to kill you, then I'll be in trouble. Don't you understand that?" Dom grabbed me by my hair and yanked me off the couch.

Pain flared up throughout my scalp and I whimpered, trying to fight him off. The shitty thing is that when someone has you by the hair if you tug away from them more, the more it hurts. There's no winning in this situation. "Let me go!" I tried to scream, but all came out was just a croak of broken words.

"Storm fucking picking you up and thinking that he could help you!? Did you beg him to save you like the little bitch you are? You know what this means right? Not only you will pay for this, but so will your little succubus friend. I bet she regrets ever meeting you!" Dom picked me up by the throat and slammed me into a wall so forcefully that I swear I would feel the wall cracking behind my back. My eyes settled on Dom. 

He was so angry that his face was contorted with veins throughout his forehead. Part of his face was shifted in his true form. Greyish skin spread along the side of his face and his eyes were as black as his soul. A horn on his forehead and grown out and one ear was long and pointed. The hand wrapped around my throat was no longer a hand yet was a vice with claws. My hands reached up to his scaly one and I tried to pry his long fingers off.

Dom's other hand reached out, grabbed my breast and squeezed. Squeezed to the point that I was sure his nails were cutting into the sensitive skin around my nipple. I cried out, hearing my hoarse voice trying to emit some sort of sound. "You like that you slut? No? Well I bet if your fucking lover Storm was doing it you would be screaming in a different way. Too bad he isn't here."

Dominick released my breast and I silently breathed a sigh of relief. He glared at me, his grotesque face scaring me to no end. I never thought that I would ever have to see him again. 

I thought that me killing him would be the end of that. I never knew that incubi were able to resurrect themselves. If I did, I would've made sure that Dom's body wasn't left on the floor.

"If I knew that you would be resurrected, I would still kill you again, especially since the last thing you saw was me ripping your fucking throat out," I spat, knowing that would anger him, but at this point, I simply didn't care. Seeing Jesse had awoken something in me. Perseverance? Determination? I don't know, but all I knew is that anything that Dom threw at me I could handle it.

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