Chapter Fifty Six

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| Fifty-Six |


I needed to find Daemon before word came out that I had an unidentified cambion in the sanctuary. I'm sure many cambions and succubi came when they needed a place to stay, but I'm also sure they went under extensive background checks or whatever they do.

"This is a nice place you have here. I'm sure Kano Drake would love it," Zeno replied, smirking at the succubi training with Alethea.

I grabbed his throat and shoved him against the wall. "Why are you here, seriously? You work for Drake?"

Zeno smirked, grabbing my fingers and pulling each one from his throat. "No. I'm here to help. I like to be on the winning side of this whole mess, correct?"

"You're a cambion. Why would you feel the need to help? None of this affects you," I commented, opening a door to an empty conference room. I noticed the freshly plastered walls and knew this was the room that Jesse and I fought in.

Zeno walked in, approaching the windows, his back to me. "This is the thing about succubi and incubi. You guys think this whole world revolves around you." He turned and looked at me. "Cambions are hated. The incubi tolerate us just because they can use us and they know there's many of us. They know that we're not powerful enough to beat them. And you succubi? You use us for your little sexcapades. Where do we get to live in peace and harmony? Is this revolt just for your precious succubi? Cambions want in as well, don't you see? No one wants to live the way they did. And when I meant that you're kinda famous? You really are. Half of the cambions want to kill you, but the other half? They admire you, but they want their freedom as well."

Realization suddenly dawned on me. Zeno was right.  Cambions were under Bloodtrei's rule as well and now they will be under Drake's rule. I never realized that they also wanted to live their lives without incubi or succubi. I never knew...

I looked at Zeno, determination set in my jaw. "Represent them. Join us, and represent those who want out of all this. You're perfect for it." This would be great moving forward. Having support from cambions and succubi and incubi? We could definitely take down Drake.

"Ah no, I don't operate in the forefront. I just wanted to speak for those who didn't have a voice. I got what I came for and just keep in mind cambions are people too," Zeno's eyes widened and he pushed past me trying to leave.

I grasped his arm, making sure he didn't leave. "Please don't. Blair told me some things about you and I want to know if those things are true."

Zeno turned around and looked at me. A sense of dread crawled its way up my body and suddenly I felt my grip on his arm loosen. I grimaced in pain watching my fingers lift up on its own. Every part of me that didn't move with my will screamed in pain.

I fell to my knees, holding onto my hand. Zeno stood over me. "You're the one that's supposed to be all-powerful? You're on your knees while you have a cambion over you. Perhaps I have misjudged you."

My eyes widened in anger. There was so much pressure for me to become the succubus that everyone heard of. Zeno was right, I wasn't powerful. I could do things a typical succubus couldn't do, but I didn't know how to control them. I watched him opened the door about to walk away. 

Jesse barged into the room, grabbing Zeno by the throat and slamming him onto the table. "Why are you here?" Jesse's eyes flitted to me on my knees holding my wrist and then back to Zeno. "What you do!?"

Zeno smirked, even though he was being choked to death. "Ah, the famous Greater Incubus. How is it that your father is now in control, but you're not on the big throne next to him? Got cold feet?"

Jesse had something in him that I couldn't quite describe. Something that made him more violent than usual. He wordlessly grabbed Zeno and flung him into the wall without breaking a sweat. I stood up slowly and stepped in front of Zeno, watching him get back on his feet.

Jesse looked at me but didn't look me in the eyes. "Get out my way, Lux." I noticed his hair was completely shaved off into the shortest buzz cut I had ever seen. This was definitely not the man I knew.

I shook my head. "Zeno is an ally. He is here to represent his people. Our people."

Jesse's breathing slowed down and he stared at Zeno. "Cambion scum." He walked off, slamming the door in his wake.

I turned around and apologized. "he's normally not so... "

"Dickish? I feel mister military over here doesn't like me so much. Lemme guess, ex-boyfriend?" Zeno stretched his back and winced, "however, I guess I am staying here since you kinda just gave me the title of representing the cambions."

"Thank you. I know this wasn't what you wanted, but you can help. I have questions for you, especially about your blood bending."

"I'm not the fucking Avatar, and no I won't be talking about that," Zeno replied.

I opened the door a small smile pulling on corner of my lips. "The Avatar wasn't the one involved in bloodbending. It was Katara."

"Oh! So now I'm a girl!" Zeno sighed, but laughed a bit. 

"I feel you can teach us a thing or two. Come I want to introduce you to some people."

"Oh god, let the hell begin." 

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