Chapter 1: Maybe

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As a redheaded girl named Lily Evans goes though the train station for Hogwarts she notices a boy with messy black hair. She knows exactly who it is, James Potter. He had been trying to get her to go out with him. He had tried almost everything. From standing on tables to a simple note given to her. She had been appointed as head girl at hogwarts, but didn't know who the head boy was. She walked over and got on the train. She had to find compartment one, where she would meet the head boy. She thought it would be Remus Lupin, he had been a prefect along with her. She also knew the Quidditch captains could also become a head, but that seemed so unlikely. She got in the compartment and sat by the window, her usual spot.

She decides to just get her dress robes on there because no one was there. She takes her shirt off to reveal her toned stomach and bra. She then takes off her jeans showing off her light pink underwear, matching her bra. She gets in her uniform, a white shirt and a black skirt. She turns to see James Potter standing there, blushing. Her face goes bright red. She doesn't know how to respond to his surprise, luckily, he returns to normal soon after. He gets his usual flirty smile back on his face within seconds.

"So, Evens, it seems you're in luck, being head girl." He says to her, with a flirty tone.

"And why would that be Potter?" My heart is pounding, is he the head boy.

"Because you get to spend more time with me. You see, I am head boy." Her jaw practically drops.

"Excuse me? You have the worst reputation at Hogwarts! How can you possible be head boy?"

"You see, although my reputation is bad, I have stayed on top of my school work, and am very good at many of the skills they require. Dumbledore is also quite fond of my tricks." Lily then takes a deep breath, full of frustration.

"Well, then. I suppose we will have to get along, means we will be spending almost all of our time together." Lily tries to sound upset about this, but fails. She really is quite excited. She has liked James for some time now. She hasn't said yes to going out with him because of how he treated Severus. Lily's first friend, a greasy haired hook nosed boy. During their fifth year he had called her a mudblood, and ever since then they hadn't talked much, only in classes that they had together.

"It seems that because you had changed here, and I got a peek, it is only right I do the same." Without warning James takes his shirt off, revealing his abs. The his jeans, showing his black boxers. He really is quite handsome, Lily had been waiting all summer to be with him, and now is her chance. He puts his uniform on, while Lily is blushing like mad, but James seems to be enjoying watching her. Once he is done the train lurches, causing James to fall face forward onto Lily, causing her to blush even more. James smiles at her.

"Well Evens, seems the train needs something checked." She smiles at him as he says so. He says it so quitely that only she would be able to hear him. His face was really close to hers. She saw everything about him. His brown eyes, his messy black hair and how well it suits him.

"Yes, it se..." She gets cut off by three boys walking in. One is tall with long black hair, his name is Sirius Black. The other one is another Prefect named Remus Lupin, he has blond hair that covers his face. The other boy is Peter Pettigrew, and short, stubby boy, also with blond hair.

"Well Prongs, are we interrupting something?" Sirius asks, smirking at James, whose face is now bright red.

"Clearly," Peter says. They laugh and sit down. James gets off of me and sits next to me.

"Hey, Potter, mind buttoning your shirt up?" Lily says, smirking to herself, but trying to sound hostile.

"Wow, Evens. How rude of you to be staring at Prong's chest here." Black says, Lily just rolls her eyes in response. As the train ride drags on the trolley lady comes buy. Everyone gets something. Sirius and his friends go and find a compartment of their own so Lily and James have some time to themselves, to do their head duty's.
"So, you do know we have to share a dormitory?" James asks.

"What? No, the head girl last year told me we didn't. Is this new?"

"Yeah, actually. Dumbledore wanted to try something new this year. We have our own bathroom and everything."

"Oh, well I guess we should be open to change. Do we have separate rooms, or do we share one of those as well?" Lily wasn't sure what to hope for.

"From what I understand, we have a common area, and the a rather large room, where there are two beds, one for me and one for you, but if you want to share we can pull them together. I think we share the bathroom as well. Aren't you excited to be spending this time with me?"

"Of course I am, who wouldn't want to spend time with the magnificent James Potter?" Lily is of course joking and being very sarcastic. She is excited to spend time with James.

"Wow, so optimistic. Does this mean if I ask you out this year you will say yes?" She smile, while blushing.

"Maybe. It depends on how you behave from now on." She can see the excitement in his eyes. Lily is trying to play hard to get, but really wants to be with him. As the train approaches Hogwarts, everyone starts to gather their things. Lily and James had the prefects go around and help some of the first years. Once all of that is done Lily and James start to the carriage. Lily see's James friends waiting for him. Lily doesn't have anyone to walk with so she walks with them. She goes to talk to Remus. James is walking on the other side of her while talking to Sirius. As they walk they see the last carriage, and there is already someone on their, Severus Snape.

"Bloody hell, I don't want to ride with him." Sirius cries. "Aren't there any other carriages?"

"Nope. Were going to have to deal with it." Lily tells him through gritted teeth. They're are all obviously shocked that she isn't excited to be sitting there with her ex-friend. All the guys get on the carriage before her, and take up the seats.

"Hey Evens, you can sit on my lap if you like." She heard James say. He is sitting next to Severus, She smirked to herself.

"Alright then, but you have to promise this won't go to your already inflated ego." She says while sitting down.

"That's a tall order for someone like him." Snape says, Lily turns to Severus.

"Wow, like you can say anything about tall orders. With you becoming a death eater and all." Everyone is taken back by this. That, thankfully, shuts Snape up. The other guys and Lily all start talking and joking around. Lily is sitting loosely on James lap and the ride is smooth to begin with, then gets rocker as they go. Lily ends up sitting really close to James with his arms around her waist. Once they get to the castle James grabs Lily's hand so that she will stay close to him. Snape clearly see's and hurries in front of them. They go to the great hall where the sorting ceremony is just getting started. They all go sit toward the middle of the table where there is room for them all to sit.

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