Chapter 6: Hogsmead

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Me and James start to spend almost all our time together. Not because he or I feel like we have to, but because we geuanlly love each others company. It has been two weeks and I'm still on my crutches and the sling is still on. I wear James's sweaters basically all the time when we're at the dorms.

"James, Lilly, time for your lesson." Dumbledore wakes us up. Me and James are in my room, my bed. Me and him would have been imbarresed if he hasn't caught us before.

"Sorry sir, we were up late studying," I apoligize to him.

"It's alright Lilly, no need to apolgize. I do think that we should combine your rooms. Nothing seems to stop you from being together." Me and James look at each other, hopeful. Dumbledore laughs a bit at us. "Well then it's settled. We can get it done today, but please, we will need you to leave the dorm. WHy don't we do it tomorrow so you can just leave for Hogsmead. We will get it done then."

"Okay, thank you professer." James says, obvoiusly trying to stay on his good side.

"Although, reluctantly, this will have to be our last, for say class, together. The professers want you guys back in their classes." This makes a damper on the mood. It was great fun to have Dumbledore teach us. We knew it was only going to be for a bit, but I wish it wasn't over yet.

"Okay, thank you for teaching us sir. It was great fun. Maybe if one of us get injured like Lilly did again will you teach us once more?" James asks, its hard to tell whether or not he is joking.

"Well, I supose if it's the same severity, or cose to then I will. Now today we're going to talk about amortentia, the love potion." That's when Dumbledore explains everything. After Dubledore leaves James and I start to talk about Hogsmead.

"So, Lilly, do you want to make this an official date, our first one ever?" James is blushing, but it is so cute.

"I would love too."

"I can carry you there if you like." I'm still not to be on my foot, but I'm not going to listen.

"Now it will be okay, I don't want to be a burden." I can see he is about to protest, but I make sure I stop him. "Should we go outside for a bit. Maybe head to the quidditch pitch? Fly around a bit." This takes James back a bit, I've never been good at flying, but can't help wanting to.

"Sure why not." I give him a look I'm not sure if he's going to understand or not. He takes a breath out, understanding. "You want a piggy back ride don't you?"

"Yes please." I smirk, James is used to this by now. He comes over and I get on his back, and we head out. I grab James broom, taking it behind me. We find Sirius, and he let's us take his broom as well. Once we're out James lets me use his broom, a much calmer one compared to Sirius's. He fly around for a while, later we get a quaffle and toss it around a bit.

"Hey, you guys done yet? We actually have to practice." Me and James look down to see Sirius and the rest of the Griffendor team. Me and James fly down to the ground. I give James His broom back, and he gives Sirius his broom. I was about to hobble over to a place to sit so I can watch James practice. He comes from behind me and pikes me up, where my legs are facing foward on him.

"James Potter put me down I can walk you know!" I yell at him, I see Sirius laugh at me, along with the team.

"Well, no you can't walk, besides I love helping my special Lilly." I can hear the teasing tone in his voice, knowing full well he will never let me walk on my own. He brings me to my spot of last time. James sets me down and then runs to go meet up with the rest of the team. While he is flying around I spot a figure, in the corner watching. I look over, try to see who it is. The figute aproches me, and go figures it is Severus. I reach for my wand and see it isn;t in my pocket. I curse under my breath and look up to see him standing a few feet away from me.

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