Chapter 5: The Fight

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I grab my wand and crutches, and hurry over to james as fast as I can. I drop my crutches and fall down next to James. I lean over him, my hair acting as a screen.

"James, please get up." I feel tears come to my eyes. He shouldn't have done all of this, he should have relaxed. I feel tears fall down my face. I look onto James's face and some fall on his face.

"Jeez Lil, I'm fine. Just, a bit sore." James tries to move, but can't.

"Just a bit sore." I say under my breath, although I know he can't move, and Sirius probably can't. "Fine then, I'll make sure that Severus pays, for everything." Before James can stop me I get my crutches to support me standing up.

"Snevillus!" I scream at him. He turns, and looks much paler than usual. "You think you can treat people this way you really have to learn a thing or two." I grab my wand and shoot a spell at him. He is able to dodge it easily, he start to advance. I keep shooting spells, trying to keep him away from me, this however doesn't work. I was about to move back from him when he was a few feet away, before he put the crutches on fire.

"Well a mudblood, you're going to have to do better than that." He is basically right next to me, I try to step backwards, clearly not thinking, and using my injured foot. I wasn't able to put pressure on it, and just hurt it more. I fall to the ground, barely able to see through the pain. I raise my wand, when Snape shoots a spell at my arm, the one in the sling. I cry out in pain. I look down to it and see blood.

"You should have known what you are up against." That was my warning. He raises his wand. "Sectumsempra!" I feel sharp pain, only in my injured arm though. I feel blood trickle all over my side. I look at my arm, and the sling is tore up. The white cloth that is still there is a deep red with blood. I feel as If I'm getting weaker and weaker. Everything start to go black, when I see a figure in front of me. They have black messy hair, James. With that thought I pass out from blood loss.

"Lily, Lily, please open your eyes." I hear a voice say, I do as they say. I open then to see James standing over me, looking concerned.

"I'm okay. Where is Snape, I'm not done with him." I feel full of anger and rage.

"He, is over there. I made sure he had paid for hurting you. Now, we need to get you to the nurse. You have lost too much blood." I can hear his voice shaking.

"James, I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

"The hell you're just fine. Have you looked at your arm? It's a bloody mess!" I look down at my arm and see that James is right.

"Okay fine you win, but I'm walking on my own." I say, while trying to stand up. He of course tries to help me. Once I'm up, I keep the weight off my injured foot.

"Lily..." I look over to see Severus try to get up. He is hurt, and bloody well deserves it.

"What do you want?" I snap at him, clearly not wanting to talk to him. He has hurt too many people for me to ever forgive him, especially now.

"Please, don't be mad at me."

"How can I not be? You almost killed James, two times! I don't care what you do to me, but leave James out of everything!" I practically scream the rest at him, he goes pale, then smirks.

"Well then seems like that's what we must do" In a split second he shoots a spell at me, my foot, it hit it directly. I scream in pain and fall to the ground. My foot starts to bleed too.

"Severus stop now!" We all turn to see Dumbledore come toward us. I have lost too much blood. I start to feel light headed, and see black spots on my vision. Dumbledore comes over by me. He mumbles a spell, and blood goes back into my body, and the wounds close. I start to get my vision back, but the pain doesn't go away. He does the same for my arm, but most wounds don't go away.

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