Chapter 7: The Ball

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Tonight is the night of the ball. Dumbledore put it the day before we head home, so we can all still go and then be with our family. I'm not going home anyways. Madam Pomfrey has finally said that I can do all my regular thing, and not a moment too soon. I told James he had to get ready with the guys. He wasn't go happy with the idea at first, but made him anyways. James already had dress robes so he needed his mom to send them. I had gone with James to get a tie that matches my dress. I wake up to James holding me by my waist.

"James, time to get up. I need to start getting ready."

"But it's only 10."

"Yes well, I have to do my hair make-up and get my dress on. I want to look nice for this." He grunts then gets up, grabbing everything he needs.

"You know where I'll be if you need anything."

"Ya, I'll be here the whole time. Do you think you can have one of the guys bring me food around noon?"

"I can..."

"No, I want to surprise you. Have Remus bring me something."

"Ok, fine, but you better look amazing for this."

"You make a hard bargain, but okay, I promise I will make it up to you." I smile at him, he blushes, which makes me blush. When James leaves I run upstairs to start getting ready. One of the hufflepuff girls told me a charm to curl your hair really well. I start by using that charm, and it works better than I could have imagined. It curled my hair the exact way I wanted it to look. I make a mental note to thank the girls. After I get my hair all curled I put half of it up in a waterfall braid. I look in the mirror to see it's perfect. I smile to myself, then look at the time. It's already noon. Just as I feel my stomach rumble I hear a knock at the door. It must be Remus with my food. I walk over to the door and open it, sure enough to see Remus standing with food for me. Remus just kinda at srares at my hair.

"You look so pretty."

"Thank you. It took a while to get done, but I'm happy with it. Do you think James will like it?"

"Obviously. I should get going and get ready myself."

"Ok, thanks again, and could you please not say anything to James about my hair?"

"Sure." Remus says while walking away, I turn to go in and eat my food. Once I'm done I go to the bathroom and do my make-up. I decided to do all of it tonight. It takes me a solid 3 hours to get it perfect. I told James I will meet him at 4:30, and it's 4 now. I walk into my room and pull my dress out. It looks as pretty as when I had gotten it, maybe even prettier. I take my pajamas off and get into the dress. I look into the mirror and see it actually looks really great with my hair and makeup. I twirl around a bit before getting my shoes on. Then I set off. As I'm walking I hear many people cat call me. I walk faster every time. I told James I would meet him by the stairs to the headmasters office. As I walk I see someone is already there, I don't recognize them at first, then notice it's James. He did something to his hair so it is actually tamed down a bit. Once he sees me his jaw drops.

"Lily, you look great." He says, clearly impressed.

"Thank you. You look great as well." I know I'm blushing but make no attempt to stop it. "Should we get going to the dance?"

"Sure. I have to meet the guys there. Remus asked Belle, and Sirius asked Anna. Peter didn't want to come so he stayed in the dorms." Me and him set off to the great hall, holding hands.

"Hey, Evans, you look too pretty for your own good, Potter might take advantage of you." I feel James tense up, we could already tell it was Snape. I can't stand him saying that about James, I let go of his hand and spin around.

"Did anyone ever ask you to speak Snivellus? I didn't think so, now if you will kindly keep your abnormally large nose out of people's business that would be great. Besides James has made better decisions than you clearly can." I turn around and grab James's hand again, leaving Severus pale behind me. I know I hurt him, but I just don't care.

"Bloody hell Lily, he was paler than snow. That was a great come back." I smile at him and then we keep walking until we reach the great hall, where there are already people dancing. We see Remus and Sirius right away, their with their dates. We walk over to them and say hello.

"Lily, you look so pretty." Sirius says awed, Remus just stares at me.

"Thank you. You guys look dashing as well." Both the guys blush, I look over at James smile. He gives the guys look as if saying back off.

"Ladies and wizard folk," Dumbledore says, getting everyone's attention. "Welcome to our Christmas ball. We have hoped that everyone would come, but it seems we are missing a few students. We invite the head boy and girl to start this dance off, everyone else please find a partner. Minerva you are with me." We see Dumbledore smile a mischievous smile, and McGonagall rolls her eyes. James steps in front of me and bows.

"May I have this dance?"

"I suppose so. No funny business though." I say joking around, he laughs. James leads the way to the center of the room, where we start dancing. Everyone's eyes are on us, but in that moment it was just us, no one else. As we dance more people join starting with Dumbledore, then Sirius and so on. Once the song is over everyone has joined in the dance. We all dance for what seems like forever. Half way through the night my feet start to ache, so I end up having to take my shoes off. Most of the girls at that point have.

"Can you go get us water please?" I ask him kindly, trying not to let my pain show, my foot with the scars really hurts.

"Sure thing, don't go anywhere."

"Don't worry I won't." I say smiling, but also blushing. As he leaves I sink into a chair.

"Lily," I look over and see Remus. "I, I really wanted to say how pretty you look tonight."

"Thanks, you're a real looker yourself." I tell him though smiling. James comes back with the water and sits next to me. After we drink all our water, we go back to dancing. The song suddenly changes to a slow song. James got split up by Sirius and Remus so he is father away. I was making my way over when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I don't even turn around because I already know who it is. Severus.

"Lily, can we at least have one dance?"

"Nope, I'm here with James, not you." When I reach James he takes my hand and we start dancing. Once the song is over Dumbledore speaks again.

"Ladies and cauldrons that was our last song. If you would please make your way to your dorms. Thanks for a great night everyone." As Dumbledore says this everyone groans. The night was so much fun, it seems a shame is has to end, but we all do as he asks. I go to where my shoes are and put them on. I look around for James, but he is nowhere to be seen. I walk to the dorms alone. When I enter all the guys without their dates are there.

"Hi." I yawn, clearly tired, but not wanting to go to bed.

"Hey Lil. Did you have fun tonight?"

"Quite. How about you guys, was it enjoyable for you?" Everyone nods, I notice Sirius's shirt is wet. "Sirius, why is your shirt wet?" James and Remus share a look, then laugh.

"Lily, you will see that there are many girls that don't like Sirius, especially when he looks down their dress," James laughs, it seems to stupid I laugh as well. Soon we all start laughing, even Sirius. When they leave me and James go to our room. I change out of my dress and hang it up before going to lay down. By the time I get there James is already asleep, so I simply join him.

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