Chapter 9: Christmas day

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We spend most of our break the same way, goofing off and taking care of Mellie. We go to Hagrid's every other day taking Mellie with us everytime. We run into Severus occasionally, but we ignore him every time. We got permission from Dumbledore and walked to hogsmeade a few times. While we were there I got everyone a gift, starting with James. I got him a new broom for quidditch. It was expensive, but he is worth every penny, besides, I'm sure he got me something expensive as well. I got Remus a book on the dark arts, and Sirius a set to clean a broom with. I got Peter a sweater with cheese on it, as a joke. I made sure to get Dumbledore and Hagrid something. It is Christmas eve now so I shooed James out so I can wrap everything. I do James's first. It seems obvious what it is at first, so I have to get creative, and it turns out to look like something entirely different. I don't even bother with anyone else's. Once I'm done I walk Dumbledore his and Hagrid his. When I get back James hasn't returned. I get a paper, ink, and a quelle. I write to my parents and Petunia.

Dear Family,

I have decided to stay at hogwarts with my friends, and boyfriend.

His name is James Potter, and me and him both love each other.

We have been dating since about the end of September. He has

saved me many times, and I him. At school we have learned the

usual charms and other stuff. I have missed you all dearly.

I hope everyone is well, I know I am, now. I can't wait to see you all

this summer. I can't believe this is my last year here. I hope I

can get a good job in the wizarding community. Please send

my regards to everyone.

Love you all,


After I finish writing my letter I feel hollow inside. I miss my family dearly. I fold my letter up, and take it up, along with their presents. I give it to an owl, before letting my tears fall. I wish I had made things better with Petunia. I miss having a sister, for all I know she could be hurt, or worse, and my parents. They seem to just be proud of me, and afraid, almost as if they think I'm going to do something bad to them. The thought just makes me cry even harder. I sink to the floor of a corridor, hidden from everyone else, and cry. I want my family back, the way it used to be. I know my parents are getting older, they are older parents compared to many other people. They are already in their 50's. I remember when Severus wasn't like he is now. When he wasn't on the way to be a death eater. He was a sweet simply boy, now, he tries to hurt everyone, starting with James. When we were kids me and Severus were especially close, he was my first friend, everyone else called me a freak. I cry for ages, I don't even know what time it is before I hear someone.

"Lily, are you over here?" It is Remus, I let out another sob, and I suppose he hears me because he come over and sits next to me, and pulls me into a hug. "James is worried about you. He has had us looking for you." I nod my head, not able to answer him because I'm in so much pain, I can only imagine what it's like for other people. Soon we hear footsteps and them James, SIrius and Peter are behind them. I have my face buried in Remus's shirt, but soon he lets go and James takes hold of me. I take deep breaths in and out, taking in James's sent, trying to calm me down a bit, but it ends up in more tears. I cry into James's shirt, thinking of how I don't deserve someone like him to be around. When I pull away I take his hand and we walk back to the dormitory.

"Lily, is everything okay?"

"Ya, just, homesick. For my family and the past." James tops at this.

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