Chapter 23: Telling James

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I run up to the room we left Severus in. He was still fast asleep. I write him a note and leave. I apparate to the Ministry and head straight to the minister's office. I knock on the door. I wait for him to tell me I can come in. After ten minutes of waiting I knock again this time louder, and I tell him it is me.

"Oh Lily dear, please come in." I open the door and James is sitting behind the desk. He looks shocked. I wonder what happened.

"Voldemort is planning on attacking us again." I go and tell the minister everything, from Severus to the meeting. James sits and listens intently upon my words. "He is planning on attacking me and James again. Most importantly, there will be an attack here, at the ministry." I look over at James, he has so much shock on his face it surprises me.

"You have done this all by yourself. Even if Mooney helped with bits, you infiltrated the death eaters meeting and now we can fight back, Lily you are my hero. I have no idea how anyone can be half as great as you are." I smile and go and kiss James. We don't pull a way until we hear a voice.

"Go Prongs." We pull apart to Sirius.

"Really Padfoot, go away I'm kinda busy here..."

"Yes well the minister wants to see us. We have no choice. Let's go." We follow Sirius up but James holds my hand so tightly, as if afraid I'm going to leave him. We walk into the office to see Dumbledore, Remus and Peter already there. Peter glares at me, I step closer to James and squeez his hand.

"We need to be ready for the attack on Friday. It may happen sooner and maybe later. I'm going to assign night watches to the five of you. It is five days from now. I have choosen people for you all to double up with. It will be James and Albus tonight, Lily and Sirius tomorrow, Peter and Remus after tomorrow, then James and Sirius, Lily and Albus on friday, along with people standing by."

"Excuse me sir, does that mean me and Professur will be leading the attack?"

"It sure does. You will have Albus to help you lead an attack for the first time. Now, James, Albus go and stand guard. Everyone else go home." With that the minister disapperiates. I think about how Bellatrix said she will hurt James to get to me. I'm so used to being strong so he will be okay. I pull him to one side to tell him.

"One thing I didn't tell you is Bellatrix is going to use you to get to me. She thinks she will torture you. Please James call me and let me take the hit..."

"No." James is looking at the floor. "I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you are okay. I will gladly give my life for you, I always have."

"James please. I can't bare to lose you.."

"And you think I can lose you! Lily you are everything to me. Don't you dare tell me that it is okay for you to give your life for me! Will you stop trying to give away your life! Stop thinking you don't matter, you matter so much!" James was yelling. Everyone was staring at us.

"James I have no idea where you got the idea I was trying to give my life away but that is bullshit! I had a choice to die or live after I was attacked the last time! You can see me here living and breathing right! I'm going home, but stay safe." My voice keep getting quieter. I apparated out. I am right outside the door. I sit down on the steps and start to cry. I put my head on my knees. I can't believe he would think i'm trying to give away my life. I love my life, but if I did die then I would be the luckiest person ever. It is a few minutes till I hear a pop. I don't even look to see who it is.

"Go away James I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Well it's a good thing I'm not Prongsie." I look over and once again Sirius is there. "James screwed up what he should have said. WHat he really meant is you are everything to him and no matter what happens if he can he will give his life for you. He loves you more than anything Lily. No one will love someone as much as James loves you. It is almost impossible. Unless they fall into nothingness to save one another. To be clear, James would do that for you."

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