Chapter 12: Life plans

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When James and I wake up we get dressed for going to the house in Godric's hollow. We walk down to breakfast and were surprised to see Sirius and Remus, sitting at the table. James and I look at each other, having the same thought. They haven't seen us so there is one logical thing to do. We quietly walk behind then and on the silent count of three we scare them. We our hands over their eyes, and yell at them. Both of them fall out of there seat from fear. James and I are on the ground laughing uncontrollably.

"So not funny Lily! What happened to your face?" Sirius exclaimed, both of them are laughing now.

"So was funny. You guys had it coming, being here unannounced. Petunia got angry at me, no big deal."

"Actually we have good news." Remus said, in his lecture voice, but they all look sympathetic, but rub it off. "James, we had talked to your parents and they said they got the house. Me and Sirius found a better one close by."

"Cool thanks Moony..."

"Wait, aren't we all chipping in for a house?" I ask them, they all have a mischievous look on their faces.

"You haven't told her?" Sirius smirked, clearly amused.

"No, well, Lily. I wrote to my parents, telling them about our job.They said they were so happy I even got a job that they will buy us our house."

"What about you guys?"

"Well, you see we never really were going to live with you and James, all just a trick. All Sirius's idea too." Remus told us matter-o-factly.

"What about Peter? Didn't he know about this?"

"Wormtail hasn't been in touch. He seems, different. And, Lily, please call us by our nicknames, our real names seem much too formal. Remus od moony, Peter is wormtail, James is Prong, and I'm Padfoot."

"Alright then. Shall we actually eat now?" All the boys nod their head vigorously, obviously hungary. I walk into the kitchen to start making pancakes. I pull everything out and get the batter made, before I hear a shriek. I put the bowl down and run into the living room where they are. James is sitting on the couch next to Remus with Sirius on the chair next to them, and Petunia at the door with Vermon.

"Lily, you never said they were coming over!"

"Topic never came up." I say simply before going back to the kitchen to cook. She follows me, Vermon stays in the living room.

"You knew Vernon and I were coming over today, you shouldn't be here at all anyways!"

"Sorry, but I don't have control of all of this. Now if you'll excuse me I have food to cook. Do you want some?"

"It's the least you could do. Next time you're getting more than a broken nose."

"Doubt it, you couldn't even if you tried."

"Wanna bet?" I move my face closer to hers, our noses are almost touching.

"Yes, you are a wimp, brat, and cannot accept people for who they are. They next time you try I'm going to meet you in the fight instead of backway." She steps back, fear in her eyes, but quickly replaced with anger. She balls her fist up and punches me in the eye. I let out a whimper before hitting her in the stomach. My eye stings, but Petunia looks as if she can hardly stand. She comes to hit me again but i side stem causing her to run into the fridge.

"Coward, can't even take a punch."

"Oh ya, let's see how true that is." I might be the most stupid person ever for standing by a stove that is on with a tank top on, but I don't bother moving, I face my challenges. Petunia charges, hitting me hard in my side where Snape keep kicking. I fall back to the burner burning my arm, badly I scream in pain. Vermin and James come rushing in, along with my parents, Moony, and Padfoot. I crumple to the floor and James comes and picks me up. He carries me up to our room with my dad, and the guys behind him. James sets me on my bed before stepping back so my dad can heal me.

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