Chapter 22: One of the Death Eaters

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I go to investigate more the next few days. I need to find a way to get in on a meeting. This requires Severus's help. I know I can count on him. I start to write a letter. It seems to take me a hundred tries. I look down at my letter and proofread it.

Dear Severus,

I just was wondering how you have been. I've missed talking to you.

I'm sure you tried to stop Bellatrix and Lucius. I'm fine by the way.

I was hoping you would be able to meet me for lunch one day,

More specifically Saturday at noon, hopefully you can meet me,

I'll be at the Leaky cauldron. Please stay safe,


I decide it was good. Today is Thursday. That gives me two days to plan out everything. I want some aurors there as well. I think I will have Remus come. I go and find Remus right away. I run to his office.

"Hey Remus I need your help on some..." Sitting with Remus was James, Sirius, and Peter.

"Hey Lil. Whats up?" James asks, he smiles at me, his eyes were so soft and cute. I basically melt. It has been killing me not being able to tell James everything.

"It's nothing, I was just, it's nothing." I go and sit next to James.

"You look stressed, maybe take a day or two off." James puts his arm around me, I lean into his hug.

"I can't take any time off. Think about how much time I've missed. Also if I don't do this job perfectly them I'm likely to be sacked."

"What is your job Lily?" Peter asks me, he is so quiet.

"Something important. It will help us defeat Voldemort." Peter flinched at the name. He looks all around to make sure no one was there.

"Lily you can't say..."

"I'm going to say whatever I want."

"Don't you get it?" Peter yells at me while standing. I've never seen him like that before, shaking from anger. "He will come and hurt you. He will never stop until he rules over everything. Lily you are being an idiot! I thought you were better than that, but clearly not."

"Peter!" James stands up. I am too stunned to even move. Sirius stands next to James. "People have tried to kill Lily every chance. All Voldemort's followers. Can't you see she isn't scared of the name!"

"James, why are all of you idiots? I thought most of my friends had at least a bit of common sense." I was tired of having James defend me. I push him out of the way. I cannot stand Peter right now, I slap him right across the face. They all gasp behind me.

"If you are so scared of a name then leave! I'm not going to listen to your BS."

"Fine then!" With that he apperated out. All around me everyone is silent. I leave the room and head straight to the minister's office. I knock on the door.

"Excuse me sir, I need to speak to you quickly."

"Alright then, but this needs to be quick."

"It will be sir." I say opening the door. Dumbledore was sitting at the chair. "I really need to tell James. I can barely handle it anymore. Also I have a plan on getting into the manner."

"Tell us your plan." I explain everything to them. Dumbledore's eyes light up as I speak.

"Well, how about, after you infiltrate the manner then you can tell James, until then, no."

After all this time? JILYWhere stories live. Discover now