Chapter 20: Lily's Brother

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"Where am I?"

"Now that's what I was going to ask you." I turn to see a boy. He looks strangely like me, his hair is browner though. His eyes were green. He was dressed in white wizarding robes. He smiles kindly, but the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. His eyes were full of heartbreak and sadness.

"Do I know you?" I ask curiously, not wanting to be rude.

"Well, no I suppose you wouldn't. Mum and dad never told you about me. My name is Harry. I died very young. Petunia was only a baby. I was a wizard just like you are."

"Wait, are you trying to tell me you're my dead brother?"

"Yes." Harry says plainly.

"If your my dead brother then why am I seeing you now?" I know the answer, but I don't want it to be true. I don't want to be dead, not yet. I still want to have a family with James and have Remus be Uncle Moony. Sirius be Uncle Padfoot, Peter be Uncle Wormtail. I could have enough children that Severus can even be a godfather.

"Well, the fight you just had, might take your life. It's your choice. If you go back then you will be in immense pain. You will recover, but as of now the pain will be unbearable. You also have the choice of coming with me, to the afterlife. Of course you may also choose to be a ghost."

"So you mean I'm dying, right now?"


"Have there been more people like me? Who come here and choose if they die?"

"Yes, they usually choose to die. Although there are some people who go back and live. None of them ever talk about this. It's always too personal. Especially with who they see."

"But, how? My injuries were not sever.I shouldn't be here."

"Oh, but have you seen your body?"

"No." Harry waves his hand in the air. All of the sudden I see my body, with James screaming my name. Remus and Sirius sobbing next to him. Arthur is over my body saying a spell making my blood go back into my body, closing some wombs. Everyone is crying.

"Lily, no please stay with us! We can save you please!" I hear James sob. What bothers me most is how much blood there is. Even with Arthur saying his spell the blood is leaving my body just a quickly. My face is a deadly pale. I look down at my body now and I see how much blood there is. I can almost feel the pain. I could stay here, get to know my brother. I look back at the screen and see how much Harry is crying. I couldn't do that. I can't cause him that much pain. I want that family too, I want more time with James. I can spend more time with Harry when we die later in life.

"I'm going back. But before I do, I wanna talk to you a bit."

"Very well. We will have to make this quick though. What do you want to know?"

"How did you die? Why did mum and dad never tell me about you?"

"I died from another wizard. His name I have sworn to never repeat. All I can tell you is he is related to you-know-who. Mum and dad were so scared that he would come back. Petunia was so small she would never remember me. I went to St Mungo's but they couldn't do anything for me. I was so far hurt, not unlike yourself, that they thought it would be a miracle if I lived. Lily, I have wanted to come back and meet you in some way, become a ghost or something, but have always been to scared. I was afraid you would hate me. You know for never coming back before that. I also didn't want you be mad, that he made a horcrux out of my body. I didn't want you turning against mum and dad, for never telling you and Petunia. I have always been up here protecting you, mum, dad, and Petunia. I will be up here to protect you and your husband James for as long as I can. I can see you will have a family soon, and I will be here to protect you and them. I will try to protect Petunia and Vernon."


"Depending on what you choose, tomorrow is the day I had died. Mum and dad are never happy on that day. You could spend time with them." Harry looks down at his feet. "You need to go. As do I. It was nice meeting you."

"No Harry wait. I'm not mad at you. It's not your fault that Voldemort used you to make an evil piece of magic." I take a breath. "You still haven't told me where we are." I grab his hand so Harry can't leave. I speak as gently as possible, but can't keep the sadness out of my voice.

"I don't know. We would be in a place you feel most at home. A place you can make your decision of life or death with peace. You should ask yourself where you are."

"The head common room. Where me and James lived together for our last year of school."

"I do have to go now. Good-bye Lily." Harry walk into the light and is gone.

"Good bye Harry." I close my eyes and a second later I am back in the shrieking shack. In a moment I feel all the pain. I can feel James shaking from crying so much, I hear everyone else. I don't want to tell them about my brother James. Remus will never forgive himself if he knows he very well could have killed me. I open my eyes and everything goes quiet for a moment.

"Lily! I'm so sorry. We all are. We fell for the trap, and almost got you killed along the way." Remus was shaking from grief.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I was talking between pained breaths. "James, let's go home..."

"Lily you need to go to the hospital..."

"I will do no such thing. I will walk on nails before going back there." I cut Arthur off. "James, have your dad come to the house. I'm not going to St Mungo's, especially not now... "

"What do you mean?" Remus asks, looking very curious

"Oh it's nothing. Please James don't make me go there. You seen what happened last time I was there."

"That was a weird guy in general..."

"Still please don't. For the love of god James don't make me go." 

"Sirius, why don't you and Remus go get him. Were going to go back home." 

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