Chapter 4: Quidditch Try-Outs

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When I wake up, James and I are at the infirmary. Madam Pomperfry is examining my arm. She took the shirt off and it putting a needle through the cuts, stitches.

"Well, since werewolf cuts are much different, I can't use magic to heal this. You will have to wear a sling to a while. As for your foot, that will take about one week to fully heal. The bone might as have been shattered. As I'm sure you don't want me to cut it off, it will be harder to fix. You will have to be on crutches." I take a deep breath. The stitches hurt, James is on my other side, holding my hand. I squeeze his hand so hard my knuckles turn white. Once Madam Pomfrey was done with the stitches she started on my foot. Which was every bit as painful. I don't let go of James hand for a while. When she is done she give me crutches and then we head down to the dormitory. The worst part of it all was people were changing classes. We had missed our first two classes, and to make things worse I am on crutches and a sling on my arm, and James didn't have a shirt on, instead was carrying a blood soaked shirt. You could see the scars that had been places over the years, and the ons Severus caused. Everyone was watching us, especially James. As we were about to walk in I heard a voice from behind me. I turn to see who it is, and of course it is Severus. I can see James tense, a fire in his eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask Severus coldy.

"I heard you were hurt, and walking around with James. I was hoping I could help you." I look over to him, and all I can see was pain, but I was not about to forgive him.

"I never thought that you would want to help a mudblood." James gives me a look of such hatred, I shake my head hoping he will understand.

"Lilly I..."

"No, you have no right coming and thinking you can help, thinking you know what's best for us all. You know nothing." I see tears form in his eyes, James is smirking, of course. I can feel tears in my eyes as well though. I try to ignore them, and stay strong.


"No, now please leave me be Severus." With that me and James walk away to the dorms. When we walk in I sit down on the first chair, and let my tears fall. James comes over and hugs me, so tight it feels like all of my broken pieces are being glued together. He lets go, and then wipes my tears away, I smile gratefully. I grab my crutches so I can go back to bed.

"Here Lilly, let me help."

"James, I'm going to have to learn how to do this..."

"Not if I can help it." With that he picked me up and carries me to my room. He lays me on the bed and then goes to my dresser with my clothes. "What would you like to wear my dear lady?" I look over and giggle a bit.

"My school uniform please."

"Were not going to classes are we?" He gives me such a sad look, one filled with pain, and hoping it's all just a joke.

"Why wouldn't we?"

"Because, one, you can't walk, maybe not even write. And we are both wore out and need sleep. So what do ya say? We can imagine it as a date if you like." He gives me a flirty smile, I know this from years passed. I just sigh.

"All right then. I do hope that we will have a decent dinner in that case." Me and him laugh. "Will you please pull me out my gray joggers and a tank top?"

"No problem. How I love rescuing a damsel in distress." I roll my et=yes, but smile the entire time. He brings my clothes over and decide I should change my under barings as well.

"James, I hate to ask this as well, but will you grab me a bra and underwear? I'm sure mine now are blood filled."

"Oh, sure." He grabs what is need and sets them on my bed. I take a deep breath, knowing I can't change on my own. I don't even have to ask him before he helps me take the sling off, then my shirts, and so on. Once I'm fully dressed I sit back down on my bed.

"I'll be right back, I will only be a moment." He leaves and then comes back, with clean clothes in his arms. James then starts to change in front of me again. I of course blush like mad. When he is done he sits down next to me. Me and him joke around a bit before falling asleep in each other's arms. When I wake up James is rushing around trying to find something.

"James, is everything okay?"

"Well, yes and no. I forgot about quidditch try outs today. So I'm rushing to get ready. Don't get me wrong I'm bloody thrilled to be captain, and able to get back on the broom, but not so excited to be leaving you here alone."

"Then I'll come along." I say it as if it's no big deal, but James sure didn't take it that way.

"No, Lilly you need rest."

"So do you, besides, I want to be there with you." I grab the wall and stand up, being careful not to put any pressure on my foot. I hop over to my dresser and get a sweatshirt and put it on. James is still running around frantically. I hop out of my room and then into the common room, where the crutches are.

"Lilly!" I turn to see James, he doesn't seem to be so happy I have done this on my own.

"Yes?" I ask innocently, although I know I'm not.

"What in the bloody hell do you think you're doing, trying to walk from your room to the common room?" He is pinching the bridge of his nose like he is getting a headache. I would be too, especially if I had to take care of a me.

"Oh, I was just getting my crutches while you got ready. Don't worry I haven't put any pressure on my foot, so no need to worry so much." He walks over to where I am and picks me up, and carries me to a chair, the one by my crutches. "Can you hand me that book I asked you to keep in your bag? Oh and my bag so I can grab a book mark." James does as I ask and hands them to me. I use the paper James wrote his note on to me as a bookmark. James doesn't seem to notice what I was using. I grab my crutches and try to walk with my book, but end up not being able to. James takes my book and we head down to the quidditch pitch. Once we get there I go to a grassy spot on the field by Sirius and Peter, taking my book back. Sirius must see me struggle walking with my book, so he comes and takes it to help.

"Aren't you going to try out?" I ask him.

"Ya, but not till the end. Show these rookies how to be a better."

"Ya, if only." We turn to see Remus standing behind us, looking as pale as ever.

"You should be asleep." Sirius tells him.

"And you should be in uniform trying out. Not sitting around here." This must get to him because he hands Remus my book and walks off to the locker rooms. "Lilly, I'm so, so sorry about what happened. Peter told me everything." Remus pulls me into a hug. I hug him tightly back. Once he lets go I see tears in his eyes. That, of course brings some to my eyes.

"Remus it's not your fault, besides it's not that bad..."

"Not that bad? You are on crutches and in an arm sling! Not that bad! I could have almost killed you!"

"But you didn't and I'm perfectly fine. It's not your fault anyways." With that me and him both sit down, me giving Peter a few glares for telling Remus. How much did he know? I push the thought out of my mind and watch James. Sirius was out by then and started to fly around with James, both boys doing tricks together. When the try-outs were over the two boys were goofing off as well. That was until, someone hexed James and Sirius. We all hurry over, I had cast a spell to stop them from falling to the ground. I lean down over James he opens his eyes weakly, as we see who hexed them walk onto the field. Severus and his death eater friends.

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