Chapter 2: Leave me alone

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As I sit with James during dinner, we all talk and joke around the whole time. Sirius, Remus, and Peter all joke along with them. Once the feast is over we lead the ways. James at the front and me in the back. Once we get all the first years sortes out, along with James and his friends, it is around midnight.

"Do you know where our dormitory is?" I ask James, obviously exhausted.

"Yeah, follow me." James leads me past the kitchen, and high towers. When they reach them, it clearly a new part of the castle. James goes to the portrait of a young lady with red hair and green eyes, where the door must be.

"Tentacle Tart." He says, must be the password I thinks. We walk in where the is a fire light, and a table with four chairs and a loveseat by the fire. Around the walls are all the houses symbols, and the Hogwarts crest. There really is two rooms, of course James was kidding. They are however side by side. My room has more yellow decor, and James's has more red. They are both the Hogwarts colors, but yellow is my favorite color. The dormitory splits into two parts. If you go right that leads to the rooms, going left goes to the bathroom. From what Lily can tell it is exactly like the other bathrooms, except new, and Gryffindor colors. There is also a small area on the other side of the rooms, close to James room.

"What do you think Lil's?"

"It's wonderful. I can't believe we really get this to ourselves," I say not noticing that he called me 'Lils'. As I walk around more, I notice we have our own kitchen space, thankfully.

"Hey, Potter have you seen our Kitchen?"

"What, no." James yells as her runs toward me, when he is over, he becomes completely awestruck.

"Wow, Evens. Now we don't have to walk all the way down to the great hall for food." He says, I just roll my eyes.

"Clearly it's meant for late nights like these, except not being able to get food," I tell him matter-of-factly. He just smiles. I feel butterflies fly all around in my stomach, and I start to blush. I walk over to my room, where all of my stuff already is. I change into my pajamas, checking to make sure James is not watching though. Once I'm done i sit down on my bed, exhausted. I take out a book and start to read, because I can't sleep otherwise. I hear a soft knock on the door, I was sure it would be James.

"Come in," and he does. I would say he is wearing pajamas, but that isn't entirely true. He has a pair of shorts on, with no shirt. But then again I'm wearing short shorts and a tank top. I start to blush, but then again I shouldn't care.

"So, how do you like your room. I remember you telling me yellow was your favorite color."

"It's wonderful. So pretty and peaceful. How about you, a red room?"

"Lovely, other than the fact red is a walking color. It seem hard to sleep. I was wondering if you wanted to talk for a bit?" I smile, he looks so muscular without a shirt. A six pack, and muscles in his arms. It doesn't seem overwhelming though.

"I would love too." I put a mark in my book and put in on my night stand. Next to my wand.

"So, Lily, you haven't told me why yellow is your favorite color?"

"Well, there are many reasons. The first is it seems to be a forgotten color. How many people do you hear say that yellow is their favorite color? Not many, also, it seems to symbolize happiness, and beginnings. There is nothing about blue that is happy, blue usually means sad." I say with such passion, it looks as if James is blushing. "So, why red?"

"Well, it seems to symbolize bravery, but also great pain. I feel like with it being a gryffindor color we are expected to feel great pain, but be completely brave about it. Almost like feel pain, but show no mercy. I have always fancied bravery. I want to be the bravest of them all, stand up for people who need it, and be show people how to treat others." I think of how he treated Severus.

"What about Severus? You never once treated him like you just said." He looks me in the eyes.

"Lily, you may not have seen it, but he was horrible to some people. He would bully them almost all the time, be sneaky, and hurt people. He played with your emotions, which is unacceptable. I had caught him hexing Peter, one of my friends. Only because he had seen me with you." I was shocked. I know James is probably right, but it doesn't seem like my Severus. I feel tears start to form, and fall. He reaches over and takes my hand, and wipes some of my tears away. "I know, it's a lot to hear, especially from me, but he is a horrible person to some of us. Lily, I would never treat you the way that he has." He takes his other hand and puts it on the other side of my face. Making me look him in the eyes. He pulls me closer into him and we fall asleep holding onto each other.

When I wake up the next morning I'm still with James. I get up, trying not to wake him up. I decided that it doesn't matter if he sees me changing anymore so I put my uniform on and then go to the bathroom so I can get ready for school. I put a bit of makeup on today. I brush my teeth then walk out to see James in his uniform, but it's all sloopy. His tie was sloppily done, and shirt barely tucked in, no sweater yet though.

"Morning Lils," he yawns while walking into the bathroom. I go down to my room so I can get everything I need for classes today. I out them all in my bag. It takes me while to fit everything in because I have so many books I want with me. James walks into my room and lays on my bed.

"Ready yet?"

"No, I have to fit this book in."

"There is clearly no room. Here, let me carry it for you." I look at James and he tucked his shirt in better, and put the sweater and robes on.

"Ok, thanks James."

"My pleasure. Shall we go now?"

"Yeah." Me and him walk down to breakfast, chatting happily. As were walking I feel a figure walk in between us, knocking me down. James bends down to help me, while the person turns around. Of course It's Severus. He is sneering at the two of us together.

"Watch out mudblood. We don't need you wasting more space." I feel myself freeze up. Sirius and Remus must have been watching, because they all show up in front of me. Once James helps me get everything together, basically by himself because I'm still stiff, he stands by Sirius.

"What do you know Snevillus?" Sirius asks him, with much dishate. "All you know how to do is play with your chemistry sets." I hear myself laugh at this, along with everyone else standing there.

"Lily is ten times smarter than you could ever hope to be." I hear James say.

"Lily will never be a true wizard. No mudblood will ever be." With that he walks away. Leaving me too stunned to move. I feels James pull his arms around me.

"Leave me alone Snape, and please save me the trouble and just stay away from me."

"Don't listen to that greasy git. He has no clue how amazing you really are, nor will he ever." I pull my arms around James as well, and nod. We walk over to the table and eat, James on my right, and Remus on my left. Sirius and Peter across from us, giving Severus death glares. It seems as if they are acting as my older brothers, except James who is acting as more.

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