Chapter 8: Christmas Break

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The next morning I wake up before James. I decide not to wake him, so I go on a walk. I grab his sweater and head out. It is snowing so when I walk out there is a sharp cold surrounding my body. I pull the sweater closer to my body, using the warmth. As I walk the forest looks so, nice and peacefull, instead of dark and gloomy as usual. Everyone has gone home for the holidays, so it's only a few of us staying. I couldn't stand being with Petuna, so I decided to just stay here, with James, Sirius, Remus and Peter. None of the other students wanted to stay, they didn't see a reason to stay. I don't know about the other houses on a who will or won't be here, although I have a feeling Severus is going to stay. I walk over to the forest, it looks more and more tempting with every step. I stop before walking in, nobody know I'm out here, and if I do go in nobody will find me. I try to decide for what seems like forever, then I just head in. I'm sure I can protect myself. And with all the practice this year I can handle pain and blood well. I find a path and walk along it. Taking in all the sounds, the birds, unicorns, and everything. As I walk I see a figure. A tall one, I walk over to the figure. I notice he must be at least 6 feet, if not taller.

"Hello, are you alright?"

"Who ar' ya' and whater' ya' doin' here?" This person has a deep voice, but is also very young. I recognize him as Hagrid, the gamekeeper.

"Don't worry, My name is Lily Evans, and I go to hogwarts. I am in my seventh year. It Hagrid right?"

"Ya, Your not supposed to be here."

"Oh I know that, I just couldn't help myself. The trees looked so nice and peacefull. I assume you shouldn't be here either."

"Well, ya' see I'm, visiting' me pet." He steps aside revealing a hippogriff, with baby ones as well. They are so young and cute. "She just gave birth to 'em. See the little one, that's buckbeak. My favorite little guy." I bow, like I was taught, and then go and pet them. There are 4 total, and all adorable. One little tries to claim on my lap. I pet it especially.

"That's Millie right there, the runt of the the group. She is so sweet, I can't seem to find' a home for her. Would you be interested in looking after her for a bit? Of course' she would have to be fed..."

"Hagrid I would love to watch over her." I say cutting him off. She is so sweet and adorable I can't help myself.

"Really, jee thanks Lily. You're welcome to come and' visit anytime. I'll help ya' as much as I can, promise."

"Thanks. I should probably get going back before James turns the whole place upside down trying to find me."

"Oh, okay. Lily, promise me that you will come and visit me?"

"Don't worry, I will." I hurry and leave with that. I was out for an hour. I'm sure James is up and running around worried. I love having a boyfriend that cares so much about me. When I finally get to the castle I head straight to our dorms. I put Mellie in my sweater, hiding her. As I climb through the hole James is sitting with Sirius and Remus, Peter is nowhere to be seen.

"Lily, where the bloody hell were you? I walked down to the great hall and you weren't there, as well as anywhere else in the castle." James looks upset, but his voice fails him to be stern. His voice isn't quite hurt, but confused. I realize what I did was terrible, I should have at least left him a note. Guilt sinks to the bottom of my stomach.

"Well, I needed some fresh air so I went for a walk."

"Where?" Sirius asks, obviously enjoying this.

"The..." My voice trails off not sure if I should say. "Forbidden forest." Everyone's eyes are on me for of a moment before James steps forward, his hair covering his eyes.

"Why on earth would you go there? Of all places, the Forbidden Forest? There is a reason it is forbidden! Lily we had no idea where you were, what if something happened to you?" James sounds so angry is shrink back to the wall. I try not to think of how much he was worrying, but I can't help it. I feel tears fall down my face, the guilt showing.

"I'm sorry. I was just planning on walking around the grounds, but something was calling me in there..."

"Lily! Do you know how dangerous that is? Voldemort could have been there, or death eaters. Did you even have your wand? Did you think of what might happen to us if you weren't here? We all need you, so please, never do that again." His voice got quieter.

"Yes I had my wand. I'm not stupid. I didn't run into Voldemort, or death eaters, but I did see Hagrid there, I was talking to him for a bit, and well, I got Mellie out of it." I pull the hippogriff out of my shirt. Tears still falling on my face, Mellie must have some instinct to do something so she squeaks at James and then snuggles up to my collar bone. We all laugh at her actions.

"Lily, I didn't mean to hurt you, but, if I lost you I don't know what I would do with myself. You are everything to me, I love you, and I couldn't lose you, ever. Please, next time at least leave a note." I was stunned that he said he loves me, I have loved him, but I never thought he felt the same way.

"I love you too James. I couldn't live without you either. You have showed me who I am, and who I could be." James comes over and kisses me, I of course kiss back.

"You guys done yet, or do we need to leave you in your room?" James and I go scarlet, leave it to Sirius to say exactly that. James goes and sits on the loveseat and I sit m=next to him, still holding Mellie.

"Hagrid gave her to me, isn't she the cutest?"

"Well, not as cute as you." James says, I snuggle closer to him. James puts an arm around me and his chin on the top of my head. Today Remus is looking much too pale. I look over at James and Raise an eyebrow, he simply nods. Sirius is in the middle of telling a joke when I see a mouse scurry across the floor. I get up and pick it up by it's tail.

"You're not welcome here, so surry off." I scold it, behind me I see everyone laugh like mad. "What's so funny?"

"Well, Lily, as you know were animagus, and that mouse there, well, that's Peter." I look down to see it hiding by Sirius's leg. It seems so stupid I laugh, along with everyone else, Mellie tries to squawk as if laughing. Of course that makes all of us laugh harder. Eventually we get to the point we are crying from laughing so hard. I'm on the ground next to Remus, who is looking even paler after that. When it's time for lunch we all head down to the great hall.

"Merlin I'm hungry. I hope they have something I can give to Mellie too," I say, mostly to myself, but it seems Sirius heard. James is in front of me, walking with Remus and a scared looking Peter behind me.

"Well, it would seem you're not the only hungry looking one. Look over there, Snivellus looks as if he is going to tear something apart for food." I elbow him in the ribs playfully.

"Potter, looks like your girlfriend is flirting with your best friend, literally behind your back." Snape calls, Sirius and I exchange a look and then laugh. James turns around smiling. I smile at him then wink, and then put my body up to Sirius, playfully of course.

"What do you say, me you tonight, Gryffindor common room?" Everyone is dying of laughter.

"You bet." None of us can hold our laughing.

"Lily, you might as well go snog him now eh?" James asks, which makes us laugh ten times harder. Once we're done Snape is gone. We walk into the great hall, wiping tears away from our eyes as we walk. We sit and start eating lunch. I practically eat everything on my own. Everything is delicious, I smuggle some rolls for Mellie along with some bits of meat. We hurry up where I give her the food before she falls asleep. 

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