Chapter 25: Nine months later

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When we get to James' parents I wake up from my nap in the car. Sirius races to the door. He opens it fabulously. We walk in after him. Me taking the back.

"James! Lily! We've missed you both so much!" James mum, Rose, says. She comes and hugs me and James.

"Its go great to see you in good health for once Lily." James's dad said, Tom.

"Yeah," I look James sheepishly. "It's great to see you guys too. We actually have some news..."

"Look James there are pictures from the wedding! There me and you! Binley I look good in this picture."

"That's great Sirius. Mum, Dad, as we were saying, well Lily and I found out..." at that moment the doorbell rings.

"Sorry dear I'll go get that. Lily I invited your parents over for dinner." Rose hurries off to get the door. A moment later my mum and dad walk in. I hug my dad and mum. They make their rounds to everyone. We go and sit in the front room while we visit.

"So, Lily, what were you going to tell us?" Rose asks me. I look over to James. He is sitting at the opposite end of the room with my parents talking. They are paying no attention to us. I take a deep breath.

"I was going to tell you I'm pregnant." The room suddenly got quiet. No one is speaking. I look to James and he shrugs.

"Lily," my mum starts to say, "you can't be kidding. You know how much we want grandkids. Please tell us your serious."

"I'm not kidding. You're going to be a grandma." When did I start crying? I only notice when James comes over and wipes my tears away.

"Were going to be great parents." Sirius says sitting next to me. I start to laugh, and soon everyone else is laughing with me. We laugh until we cry. The rest of the night we joke and talk. The next nine months go smoothly. Only a few more attacks. My stomach grows as the baby grows. Soon I can't even tie my own shoes. I seem to be more irritable than usual. Sirius pointed it out once. James and Remus usually go to work and Sirius stays with me. He has given up so much that we do anything we can to help him in return. My parents come to visit all the time, along with James's parents. In my last month we are all sitting by a fire. It's the end of July. I'm sitting with James, Sirius and Remus. I woke up to a kick feeling in my stomach. I ignored it, they have been happening all day. It's around nine and were just hanging out when the baby kicks harder this time than he has before. I let out a little yelp.

"Lily are you okay?" He sounds so concerned. Everyone does.

"Yeah, the baby just has been kicking a lot today." James comes over to my side within a second. Remus runs up stairs and Sirius runs outside.

"What's their problem?"

"Lily, you're going into labor."

"What, no I'm not-ahhhh." The kick was a lot harder. I grab James's hand. They seemed to get longer every time. Wow! I think, I must me so stupid not to understand that in going into labor. Great mum already. James helps me to my feet and we go outside to see Sirius has pulled to motor bike around. James Calls for 2 brooms.

"You have to go with Sirius. I'll be right behind you with Remus." By that time I already had my bad and was in Sirius's side car. He was beginning to fly it. As we rode and hurried I had a total of 3 contractions. I gripped the side of the car and let out a small scream. Every time Sirius egged the car on, try to get it to go faster. Within 30 minutes we are at saint mungo's. A regular trip would have been a hour. I don't see James around anywhere. Sirius pulls me into the hospital. A nurse comes to us within seconds.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"I'm going into labor."

"Ok, come this way dear. I'll grab a wheel chair for you. Are you the father sir?"
"No!" Me and Sirius both say at once. "I'm a friend. The father should be coming soon..." All of the sudden James and Remus come in the room.

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