Chapter 11: We're engaged

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We had discussed to go and see this house in Godric's Hollow tomorrow night. Sirius wrote to us saying that Peter won't be able to make it to see this house. James and I still haven't told my parents about our engagement. Petunia hasn't said much to me since dinner, but Vernon hasn't gone anywhere. My mum said Petunia told him everything, so it is alright to do magic in his presence now. Tomorrow night Petunia is going to Surrey to see Vernon's family. We decided to let my family know tonight about our engagement. Tomorrow we will stop by James's family and tell them. Mum has me help with dinner while dad has James help him out in the yard.

"So, mum, we are going to have a nice dinner tonight right?"

"Well, I was planning on grilling chicken, will that be nice enough?"

"Of course, Vernon isn't coming if he?"

"Why yes he is." Petunia says behind me.

"Do you mind asking him to come another night? Tonight is going to be special."

"Well, no I don't think so. He is coming whether you like it or not."

"Then I'm going to use all the magic I want." I pull out my wand and point it at Petunia.

"Either call him up and tell him he can't come, or else." Petunia goes white, mum has gasped and stepped back hurriedly.

"We have a special announcement tonight. I will be gone by next week so this can be the last dinner without him here. Now please call him."

"Petunia, dear, please. This seems important to Lily, so please just this night." Mum says, Petunia listens to her.

"Fine, but I can say the same a time I want."

"That's fair." I say, Petunia rushes off and when she is off the phone she hurries back into her room. I have had my ring on the entire time I have been here, except a different hand so they don't suspect anything, so far it has worked.

"Lily, was that really necessary?"

"Yes, I'm sorry mum, but this is something that needs to just be us. We have a house to buy tomorrow and James parents to stay at for a bit. I will come and visit, but the next time I will be here is when I pack up."

"But threatening her..."

"Is the only way she would listen." With that the conversation ends. Mum and I get the kitchen completely cleaned, along with everywhere else. When the buys come in they are covered in mud. I giggle at James's expression.

"Is something funny Lily?"

"No, just I never thought I would see you with mud all over your body."

"It seems now is when you want that bear hug then." James starts approaching me, playfully of course.

"Thanks but no thanks." I say as I back up into a wall. James comes over and scoops me into a huge hug. Everyone is laughing. When James let's go I have mud all over my clothes.

"Bugger, we just cleaned in here."

"Don't worry it is an easy fix." James says taking his wand out, cleaning the carpet and wall.

"Get that bloody thing put away!" Petunia shirks at the top the stairs.

"It won't hurt you unless we use a dangerous spell." I tell her, but she gives me such a look that I have to smirk in response. I must have angered her in some way or another because she is marching down the stairs. We used to do that as kids, when we were mad. I smile at the old memories, but come back to reality when she punches me in the nose. I fall backwards and James catches me.

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