Chapter 3: The Transformation

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Me and James have all the same classes together. We sit by each other in all of them. We usually stay talking in my room at night, sometimes we fall asleep next to each other. For some reason today James wasn't in his room this morning. He must have left early because James wasn't in his room. I get up and get ready for school. When I go to the portrait to leave I see a note, with sloppy handwriting.

Meet me in class. Had to do something- James <3

I fold the note up and put it in my bag. Smiling to myself, thinking of him. I walk down to the great hall for breakfast. I see Remus sitting by himself, looking pale. I go and sit by him.

"Hey Remus" All he does is nod. I take a muffin and eat it. While I do, I notice Remus doesn't touch anything. "Do you want to head to class together?"

"Huh, sure." Remus says distractedly. We get up and grab our stuff and head to potions, our first class. He walks slower than usual, I still walk beside him. When we get to class I scan around for James, and he isn't there, neither are Sirius and Peter. Me and Remus go and sit by each other. Slughorn starts class. I sit there thinking of him the entire time. Thankfully today was a lecture about a lucky potion. Tomorrow we're supposed to work on the love potion, not a powerful one though. As class ends there is still no sign of James or anyone.

"Hey, Remus, did James tell you where he was going to be tonight?"

"Huh, yeah, this morning he had to work out Quidditch try outs. He should have made it to class though. Sirius and Peter too." This didn't exactly settle my nerves. Me and Remus go to all classes today, Sirius and Peter show up during charms, perfectly fine. After we finish all our classes I hear a voice behind me snicker.

"Well, Evans. Have you seen James anywhere today?" I turn around to see Severus, laughing with his friends.

"Why would it even matter to you, Snape?"

"Well, I was wondering if you have checked the infirmary?" I look him in the eyes, and immediately understand, Severus and his friends must have ambushed him. I don't wait for anyone I run to the infirmary. As fast as I could possibly run, but it doesn't seem fast enough. I burst through the doors and see James by the bed, by the window. He doesn't have a shirt on, but bandages all around his body. I run over to his bedside, and take his hand. I must have woke him up. He turns his head and see's me.

"Bloody hell, James what happened?" I try to ask while keeping my voice steady, but end up failing.

"Snape. He had cornered me in the library this morning. If it wasn't for Mcgonagall, I would have died. I will be back to class tomorrow though, just need sleep." I can't hold my tear any longer. I let them fall. He squeezes my hand tighter, I squeeze back. I feel a hand on my back, Sirius.

"We need your help." Behind them is a sickly Remus.

"Me and Peter have detention tonight, for ditching class. Remus, well..."

"I'm a werewolf." I look up at him, feeling stupid for not knowing. All the signs were right there, obvious to everyone.

"We need you to take him to the Shrieking Shack, we can't skip out, because it was a punishment from Dumbledore. We will come as soon as we can, but can you get him there?" I look at James, he has fallen back to sleep. I let go of his hand and stand up.

"Sure, let's go." Sirius, Remus, and I head down to courtyard, Peter staying with James. We head down to the whomping willow.

"What's this?"

"How we get to the shack quickly. I'll get it to open, then you and Remus go to the shack. When you get there, Lily, hide. I will be there as soon as I can be, but whatever you do, don't get bit!" Sirius has a dangerously serious tone, he has never had one before. All I can do is nod. Sirius walk over to the tree, and as it is about to strike him, he grabs the branch. He flies on and then drops at a certain point, a knot looking area. The tree stills and Sirius waves us over. Me and Remus both hurry over. As we approach Sirius, I can see the moon come out.

"Remus, hurry take cover, stall for as long as you can!" Sirius practically screams at him. Remus ducks into a hole in the tree I follow. We both sprint to the end. As were running Remus slows down, and then falls to the ground. I run over and pick him up. I put his arm around me. I feel his grip tighten as we go. I hold him as close to me as I can. When we get to the end I feel is finger nails sharpen, digging into my skin, ripping my clothes and cutting me. I feel a warm liquid fall from my back as he then becomes taller. I get him into the shack and then duck into the closest room. I hear him scream. I cover my ears. Hoping it will go away, I cover my ears, to block out the screaming. I stay is that room for about two hours.

I put my back to the wall and try to hide my scream, unsuccessful though. My voice is barely muffled by the scream. I hear Remus howel, then run around the shack looking for me. I keep my hand over my mouth, trying to make it so I won't be heard. I hear him come to the door I'm at. I try to take a stifled breath, but start to choke, for not being able to breath in correctly. Then, he throws himself up against the door. It has several loud bangs before it opens. Showing Remus as a werewolf. I walk backward trying to get away, but back into a wall. Pressing my wounds he keeps walking, teeth showing. As he goes into bite me, I hear Sirius voice. Whatever you do don't get bit I hate to hurt Remus, but I have too. I pull my foot out and kick as hard as I can in his stomach. He flies backward, landing in a wall, making an imprint. This must have angered him because he lunges for me. I move out of the way right before he bites me. Although he misses biting me, his claws cut my arm, badly. The gashes are so deep that you can see the bone. It hurts terribly, I cry out in pain. He lunges at me again, but as soon as I see he is about to move I get up and run the other way, clutching my arm tightly trying to get the blood to stop. It's bleeding like no other cut I've ever got. I lock myself in another room, trying to hide. I sit with my back to the wall. I then hear Remus throw himself against the door again. He does this another time, then the door falls open, on my foot. I feel sharp pain go up and down my foot. I scream in pain, unable to move. I can't do anything to stop him.

That's when I hear it. I hear hooves and a paws. Right before I get bit, a black dog knocks into Remus. I look over and see a stag, with a mouse on his back. HIs eyes are hazel, exactly like James's eyes. Last I saw him he was in the infirmary though. The dog, his eyes are just like Sirius's. Are they amagus? Then the mouse, I can't tell his eyes, but he looks just like Peter. As I notice all of this the stag was standing in front of me, trying to protect me. With that I have no doubts that it is James. That's when I see the sun shine in. When it hits Remus, he starts to turn back into his normal self. James, the dog and rat walk into a different room. Then James, Sirius, and Peter walk back to where me and Remus are. James automatically comes over to my side, and looks at my arm.

"Marlins beard, Lily what did you do challenge him?" James asks, he sounds angry, but he looks so scared. After everything that happened, I cry, sob. I can't control the crying James pulls me into his arms, and I cry into them. He's so strong and safe. Once I was calm I told them everything. Keeping my voice quite so Remus can't hear me while he sleeps.

"Wow. I knew you were brave, being in gryffindor and all, but wow. Lily you are just amazing!" James tells me, but has fear in his voice. Peter and Sirius both go on about what I did, before I remember James is hurt himself.

"So, James, explain to me why on earth you are here if you are hurt, only a few hours ago you could barely stay awake!" I scold him, while tears threaten to spill over.

"When Sirius and Peter came back from detention," He gives them a look at that. "They say that you were out here, and told me they will tell me when they find you. I was feeling much better thanks to Madam Pomperfry. So I got up and came, not willing to stay, while you could," James takes a long breath, "could be dead." He looks as if he was about to cry. Even at the thought of my death. He pulls me into another hug, maybe to maybe to hide his tears. When he pulls away they lift the door of of my foot.

"Do you think you will be able to walk Lill\s?" James asked. He helped me stand up. I put my hand on the wall, and try to take a step, but my vision goes black with pain. The next thing I remember after that was James carrying me.

"So, it turns out you can't walk on your own." Me and him laugh a bit. I lean my head on his chest, which I notice is bare. I look over to my arm, which is tightly wrapped up in his shirt.

"Thank you." I lean up and kiss him on the cheek.

"Don't mention it. I would do anything for you." I blush then lean back on his chest, letting sleep take me.

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