Chapter 21: Malfoy Manner

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It took me a while to recover, a month to be precise. James, Sirius, and Remus took turns watching me. There are only a few more scars on my arms and legs but overall I'm okay. I'm going to go back to work today. I convinced Sirius and Remus to distract James enough for me to go in. Remus and Sirius are taking James to a movie. I sleep till about eight before I get up. James was downstairs. I go and turn the water on to the shower and hop in.

"Lily? Are you in the shower?" James asks through the door


"I'm leaving to go to a movie with Remus, Sirius and Peter."

"Have fun love you."

"Love you too. Will you need me..."

"No, go have fun with the guys."

"Well alright. Bye Lil." I hear a pop that tells me he apparated out. I get out of the shower and dress to go to work. When I get that everybody swarms around me.

"That's enough." Everybody stops talking and turns around. No other than the minister himself is standing there. "Good to see you back Mrs Potter. Please come with me. We need to discuss."

"Of course sir," the Minister and I start walking. I feel like a child going to the principal. As we walk into his office I sit down. My legs were hurting terribly.

"I'm not going to dance around the point. I need you to tell me everything about the night you were attacked." I look down at my feet then tell the whole story, except for the part about Harry. The minister was quiet and listened the whole time, no interruptions.

"I'm sorry Lily, that sounds terrible. You know the people who attacked you though?"

"Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange."

"Thank you Mrs Potter. I need you to go and find where they are all hiding. I know it will be dangerous, but this is necessary. If we find them then we find you-know-who himself."

"Yes sir."

"We need you to do it by yourself as well..."

"But minister, I cannot possibly do that all on my own."

"But you can and you will. It is essential. Please leave as soon as you are ready. This will be your assignment until you find them."

"Yes sir."

"You may be done around nine every night."

"Yes sir."

"You may leave now. I will check with you everyday."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." I leave his office and hurry down to mine. James's movie will be over by now and be home soon. I can't tell James, he'll never let me do this job on my own. I put my face in my hands. I feel a hand on my back. I turn to see Arthur standing there.

"You feeling alright?"

"Yes, just scared for my job. Not easy being an arror."

"No." Arthur agrees. "That's why I'm moving to a muggle department. Whatever this job is, I wish you luck." Arthur walk back to his desk and grabs a box, with all his possessions. I watch as he walks away. I apparate back to the shrieking shack. There is no one here, there is blood all over the floor. I walk over to where Bellatrix stood.She left a piece of her hair. I pick it up and put it in a bag. I keep walking around, there is nothing more around. I go back to the office. I go and examine the hair, just to make sure its hers. It was. I pull out a book on this particular matter. I look through and find a tracking spell. I look at the clock, it was four in the afternoon. I cast the spell and follow. I appear at a gate. I look up and see a mansion. On the gate said 'Malfoy'. It was Lucius Malfoy manner, I felt chills go through my body. I hear someone coming. I duck into the bushes. I see a man, without hair and a nose. His eyes were blood shot red. It took only seconds before I realized it was Voldemort himself. He waves his hand and the gate turns to smoke. He walks through the gate. My heart was going a thousand miles per minute. I just saw Voldemort. Not only did he not notice me, but he was terrible scary. I take many deep breaths before creeping around the yard some more. I go to the gate and put my hand to the metal. It was back to a solid. I apparate back to the Ministry. I get to my desk. I sit down. My scars were hurting. I conjure my ointment to put on the scars. After I put some on they feel so much better. I need to find a way to get inside Voldemort's inner circle. I hurry up to the Minister office.

"Excuse me sir, do you have a moment?"

"Of course. Please come in." I step into his office. Taking no note of who is there, I was in a rush.

"I know where they are." Sitting at the desk is James, Sirius and Remus. I never even noticed them. "Minister, we need to talk right away."

"Lily, what on earth were you thinking coming to work? What do you mean?" James looked so hurt, like he had worried the entire time I was gone. I hated having to keep this a secret from him.

"James we can talk later, this is urgent..."

"Can't we hear?" SIrius asks, clearly not liking secrets.

"No," The minister says, a look in his eyes that suggest they had better leave soon. "Mrs Potter and I have matters to discuss. None that any of you can hear. Please leave. We will only be a few minutes." The guys all stand up and leave.

"I know where they are." I go into the full story.

"Thank you Mrs Potter. We need to get Dumbledore here, he knows what to do." I nod my head. "Oh and do bring those guys back in..."

"No, I'll send them to fetch Dumbledore."

"Well alright. You may tell that fellow, Remus I believe is his name. I think he will be a great person to talk to."

"Thank you sir." I go and have the guys get Dumbledore, all except Remus. I tell him everything.

"Merlin's beard Lily. To think that you had to do this all on your own. Are you going to tell James?"

"Eventually. When the minister says I can I will. As of now I can't." A moment later Dumbledore appears.

"Remus take James and Sirius to the house please..."

"No Lily, were listening to what you have to say." James looked furious.

"No, we're leaving. Come on James." Remus looks so solemn.

"Let us help you Lily."

"You can't." The minister steps out of his office. James has no choice but to listen. "You know enough for now. Lily will tell you later. We need to get everything figured out ourselves." I walk into the minister's office with Dumbledore. I tell them the story again. Still not telling them about Harry. After we're doing talking I go home. They all were waiting up for me.

"James, please don't ask. I hate not being able to tell you anything." James gets up and wraps me in a hug.

"Just tell me when you can alright, and next time tell me when you're going into work." I nod into his chest. 

After all this time? JILYWhere stories live. Discover now